This week we took the girls to 12 mile beach in Grand Marais, Michigan, and the beach was covered in beautiful stones.  So many brilliant colors to choose from, and they had bags with them holding their Keep Reading...

You Can’t Take It All – Cherish The One

Body Image.  Wow, is this a touchy subject.  Over four years ago as my body was growing my third and last baby, I stumbled upon this incredible blog post: Mom, I’m Fat.  To this day I Keep Reading...

Love Your Body…and Love Your Workout?

Ahh, the last week of 2016. What has this year been like for you? Each year, I’ve picked a word that stands out to me. In 2015, that word was awe.  Last year, the focus was Keep Reading...

Focus, Awe, and not waiting for “One Day” – What Is Your Word?

We all experience clutter - in your home and in your mind - and as Thanksgiving has come and gone, I'm reminded of the most complex of all - the clutter of the heart.  Also known Keep Reading...

Chaos of the Heart – Rawness Equals Connection

I went on vacation this week.  Ah, blessed vacation, and all the rest and rejuvenation it brings to mind.  How about getting shingles the week we are to leave town?  Yes, when my high D personality Keep Reading...

What is Balance?

We put so much pressure on ourselves to identify these huge elements of significance in our lives – to lay claim on the things that make us happiest, pursuing our one intense passion, etc. And we Keep Reading...
