Are you sleeping enough? I remember a time in my life when yawning was common all throughout my day, as I guzzled coffee to keep myself running and cringed with the pain of a full yawn Keep Reading...
You know that old saying about how to eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Well that's definitely the case for clutter. It can get out of hand, and then you're hit with way too Keep Reading...
Have you ever felt like, instead of being in a family home you've created, it starts to feel a bit more like a family trap? There are many characters we play in our life. Maybe it's the role Keep Reading...
How do you create a namaste environment in your home, and what exactly does "namaste" even mean? As I was challenged this week on what all I deliver to families, this reminder of my business name Keep Reading...
It's officially a week after Hurricane Ian, and we've picked up the rubble and are moving forward...and recognizing this is a new season for many who were in the path of Hurricane Ian. Ian's aftermath has Keep Reading...
In our last episode on the Mama Says Namaste podcast, I had guest Kimball Lewis of Empowering Parents come on and talk about lying. It's a perfect opening to what, truly, is an effective consequence for Keep Reading...
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