How do you talk to your children? Do you talk with them, or at them? Yes, having a connected conversation has some specific protocols - three, to be exact. How to have a connected Keep Reading...
How do you talk to your children? Do you talk with them, or at them? Yes, having a connected conversation has some specific protocols - three, to be exact. How to have a connected Keep Reading...
The school year is looming and, more than anything else, what I'm seeing are some seriously frazzled families! My heart goes out to the teachers trying to navigate their own homes, their classrooms, and now an Keep Reading...
It’s time to talk money. And no, not from yet another data analyst, financial expert or business perspective. It’s time to talk about money and the role it plays in your whole life.What is this energy Keep Reading...
Did you start this year out with great intentions...and already feel the fizzle? It's time to get back to the basics of it all. Taking a goal and breaking it down to the acronym of BASICS Keep Reading...
Are you stuck in a negative mindset? Last podcast episode we talked about 3 steps you can take to shift that mindset and get you where you want to be. In this episode, we break it Keep Reading...
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