In our final wrap-up week on our month of love & intimacy, we're diving into a biggie - financial intimacy. Yes, we're getting real and vulnerable with it. So far this month, we've addressed "redefining your tribe" Keep Reading...
One extraordinary marriage. Isn't that what we dream of when we say, "I do?" Yet, somewhere along the way, life just happens to us, and the marriage can fizzle past "ordinary" to living as roommates or Keep Reading...
How do you handle conflict and disagreement in your home? As we dig into our most intimate relationship this month, we have to address the biggie - it takes two people in a relationship. And with Keep Reading...
Marriage looks quite a bit different than ages past, and it can be more complex than ever. The definition of tribe is "a social division in a traditional society consisting of families or communities linked by Keep Reading...
What do you do when you think your marriage is falling apart? What do you do when you’re starting to see the cracks, and you don’t know what can be repaired? It can be really scary Keep Reading...
Do opposites attract? HOW do opposites attract? And how in the world do I handle them? February’s episode is all about love and the ups and downs of living with your opposite. In this episode, we'll Keep Reading...
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