Do you serve your spouse? The last two episodes we dug deep into what can lead to divorce, as well as navigating blended families. This week we want to focus in on one powerful thing that Keep Reading...

Serving Your Spouse (Episode 136)

Are you navigating a blended family? Let’s be clear – this isn’t just about when they are young – this is for families navigating divorce, period. This affects the whole family regardless of when it happens, Keep Reading...

Bonus parents, step parents, and blended families (Episode 135)

Do you feel you have a solid marriage? Do you see the good in your partner and feel supported in who you are? Maybe not. Maybe you're walking on eggshells, or lashing out in defensiveness every Keep Reading...

6 Traits Destined For Divorce (Episode 134)

Have you had those moments, maybe during the holidays, when you were entertaining, hosting, and generally being “on” for an extended period of time? Maybe the thought of having company now fills you with dread, or Keep Reading...

Company Is Coming! Your Survival Guide (Episode 133)

How do you communicate effectively? Think about this in your home and beyond. We talk a lot about personality styles on here, and the importance of understanding how the uniqueness in each of us strengthens all Keep Reading...

I Hate To Break It To Him… How to Communicate Effectively (Episode 130)

What is your word for the year? It's 2020 - a new year, and time for a fresh start. It's often a time for a word/theme/mantra to get intentional about a new year. We polled a Keep Reading...

What Is Your Word For The Year? (Episode 128)