Do you have rules in your home? Maybe, like me, you'd rather call them "guardrails" than actual rules. Rules are meant to be challenged, right? My friend Deb has a great acronym for RULES that will Keep Reading...
How do you lead your family? We can talk about effective parenting, however, beyond just "getting the job done," are you being a considerate parent who will raise considerate leaders? Our kids are watching us, and, Keep Reading...
What is a hero's journey? How do you go from not knowing something to being awesome? This was another podcast episode entirely prompted by my ten-year-old, Juliet, and completely unscripted. She chose our focus today - Keep Reading...
As a parent, it's a given that it can be helpful to pick your battles. Fighting with your toddler over sock colors or your teen over every food they put into their mouths not only can Keep Reading...
When it comes to your most intimate relationship, are you living side-by-side, completely codependently, or somewhere in between? Have you looked at your life as a co-creation, where each of you have a part in where Keep Reading...
This can pack a lot of depth into one question - "how can I be driven when I don't know my calling?" Wow - how do we explore what our calling is? How do we distinguish drive, Keep Reading...
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