Ahh, the last week of 2016. What has this year been like for you? Each year, I’ve picked a word that stands out to me. In 2015, that word was awe.  Last year, the focus was Keep Reading...

Focus, Awe, and not waiting for “One Day” – What Is Your Word?

As a coach, I have given presentations, done workshops, been on podcasts, coach, and blog regularly about how to live authentically in your strengths and truly connect with others.  One of the most powerful pieces of Keep Reading...

Be Teachable – Get A Coach

  Namaste. What does that word mean to you? To me, it means the love, light, beauty and peace in my soul honors, respects and adores the love, light, beauty and peace in yours. But wow Keep Reading...

Mamas, Stay in Namaste

I've had the opportunity to speak at several events lately on the DISC Personality Profiles.  Clearly this is my passion and such a backbone of understanding people as I speak on authenticity and connection.  Several years Keep Reading...

To All Teens Everywhere

Knowing what kind of teacher you are – what motivates you and how you best take on learning new things – is huge.   This, however, is simply the first step.  Knowing what kind of child Keep Reading...

Life Long Learners Come In All Personality Styles

As a parent first and foremost, we want our children to learn and grow as much as possible.  I’ve addressed how to raise life-long learners by not just being “teachers”, but “awakeners” already, so we know the Keep Reading...

What Kind of Teacher Are You?