It's the holiday season and prime time for stress and obligation to take over. Yet, when you're thinking of what "holiday" really means, it's "a day of festivity or recreation when no work is done." I Keep Reading...

Unwrapping Peace: Navigating Holiday Stress & Cultivating Joyful Connections in Relationships (Episode 332)

As we've been focused on travel, it was time for another episode with Juliet to get her take on our family adventures! I asked my ten-year-old to share some of her pros and cons of full-time Keep Reading...

The Pros and Cons of Traveling – A Kid’s Perspective (Episode 296)

On the road again...lately there have been many travel days, and I'm realizing I need to share a bit more about what we are doing, what we've been learning, and the "why" behind it all.  I've Keep Reading...

Travel To The Life You Don’t Want To Escape From (Episode 295)

What type of travel really excites you? Is it to go international? We thought that's what we wanted... And yet...have you ever considered road trip for your family?We've already gone over what to do when you Keep Reading...

Before Your Family Adventures, Ask Yourself These Questions (Episode 294)

Feeling Stuck? Have you wondered what to do when you can't afford a vacation? Do you simply just hold off and hope that "one day" you can make it happen...and that it'll just magically materialize? I've Keep Reading...

What To Do When You Can’t Afford A Vacation (Episode 293)

The True Unschooling ParentHow do you parent - and teach - along the way? This may be very different than you may initially think. While we can label a lot of official titles for registered school Keep Reading...

How To Parent – and Teach – Along the Way (Episode 244)