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What Namaste Means To Me

This is a great refrigerator reminder about how to find Namaste in your life and share it with your children.

Family and Personalities E-book
Your Cheat Sheet To Understanding Personality Styles

Family VIPs

Sales Model


Mama Says Namaste Podcast

Each week I deliver a podcast that is under an hour, diving deep into the topics I blog about on this site. I've found this is a perfect amount of time for car rides, exercise, and any other few minutes you have to yourself. The podcast is series-focused, with a theme that runs through a few weeks - so you can listen to them as they come out, or get the whole series for some excellent binge-worthy content.

Other Resources For You -- My Blog

Keep Yourself In Balance

I find myself able to find my dristhi (my point of focus; my center) in otherwise hectic situations. Now, I enjoy the challenge of the balance. READ MORE ...

Homeschooling: What About Socialization?

If you are a homeschooling/ unschooling family, you have most likely heard at least once: how do they get their socialization? READ MORE ...

Define Yourself With Intention

How do you define personality? Do you have all kinds of labels and descriptors you use when you talk about your family? Our perspective shapes our personality. READ MORE...

What is Your Family Vision?

Do you have an intention for what you want your family to look like, or are you simply reacting to the chaos and curveballs that come your way with a growing family?READ MORE ...

Interact with other Mamas who are working for the best for their families.