Remember your why. Our “why” goes beyond “one day” and desire for travel. It’s about being an intentional family. As we tackle the question “what prompted you to take the leap”, we go beyond family travel Keep Reading...

Why Take The Leap? WHY? (Episode 70)

We've accomplished traveling to 48 states!  With our requirements of spending the night in every state, we have officially slapped the sticker on our 48th state in less than two years. We reflect back on some Keep Reading...

48 States! And, Some Very Special Guests (Episode 69)

What are some of the logistics of travel on the road?  We've had many questions about this, like what you need to plot out before you leave, what does a travel day look like, and who Keep Reading...

How to keep your sanity on Travel Days (Episode 54)

When you are planning a trip, travel expenses can loom large over you. But it doesn't have to be that way. Listen to the Mama Says Namaste Podcast to learn how you can pay for the Keep Reading...

How Are You Going To Pay For Your Party? (Episode 53)

If you’re looking at long trips with toddlers, this may be the episode for you.  Figuring out how to navigate public transportation or long car rides can be difficult, especially when you have multiple children with Keep Reading...

Toddlers, Transportation and Long Trips (Episode 50)