Dot your i’s and cross your t’s, the High Cs know their stuff.   This is the fifth in the “Be The Good, See the Good” Series.   We will dive in to how the uniqueness in Keep Reading...

Get the Facts Straight, Man! (Episode 5)

Ah, homeschooling.  Unschooling, worldschooling, or anything else you want to call it – when you take the education of your children completely into your own hands, it can be intimidating.  You want so badly to “get Keep Reading...

Education Overhaul #4: BREATHE

Fatherhood.  I talked about “namaste” last week, and how to bring that peace into your home.  Mamas, you know what’s hard?  Trying to keep that peace and calm AND take care of everything and everyone in Keep Reading...

If You Want Daddy To Be Involved, GET OUT OF THE WAY

Kids in all their awesomeness.  Crazy wild, full of energy…and so, so demanding. This week I’ve been drained.  Utterly down on life, depressed and apathetic.  What the heck.  My life is fabulous!  I’m married to the Keep Reading...

Mommy Needs A Time Out