Deschooling - The Education of Letting Go So you want a new perspective on education? It may be your first step isn't school at all, but "deschooling".  In this episode we debunk the myths of what Keep Reading...

Deschooling and the Myths of Education (Episode 246)

How can you be calm when there is so much clutter in your head? In this episode, we talk about the mental clutter that overwhelms us and can take over.Welcome to Season Three on the Mama Says Keep Reading...

Head Clutter and The Chaos of Overwhelm

This week we dig more into personality styles – steady, loyal, precise, factual…do any of these describe you or your child?  The saying “Think three times, speak only once” resonates with people who would rather sit Keep Reading...

Think Three Times, Speak Only Once (Episode 46)

This week we dive deep into how a personality style impacts learning and how to motivate and encourage learning based upon a personality style. We start with the D and I personality styles in the DISC Keep Reading...

Bossy Babies and Loudmouth Kids (Episode 45)

Which path is right for me? Am I missing the mark? How do I inspire a “Life Long Learner”? How do I navigate all the overwhelming choices out there for educating my child? What type of Keep Reading...

What Type Of Thinker Are You? (Episode 43)

Credibility – do you really feel comfortable teaching your children?  No matter what type of “school” they are in, like it or not, you are your child’s teacher.  And even more crazy, you are a teacher to everyone Keep Reading...

Your Credibility as Lead Explorer, Not A Teacher (Episode 42)