How often has your pride stood in the way of moving forward in a relationship? Do you find yourself trying to "keep up with the Joneses" or do you get so worked up about things that Keep Reading...
Season 4, Episode 32 Secrets, secrets are no fun. Secrets, secrets hurt someone! Most everyone has heard this at some point in their lives, and typically it’s about kids keeping secrets from each other. But wow, Keep Reading...
Deschooling - The Education of Letting Go So you want a new perspective on education? It may be your first step isn't school at all, but "deschooling". In this episode we debunk the myths of what Keep Reading...
Change is inevitable in our lives…yet it can be scary and overwhelming. How are you navigating change? In your home, your work…your life? Sometimes we’re navigating change that is unwanted or unexpected, like the weather or, Keep Reading...
What do you do when you think your marriage is falling apart? What do you do when you’re starting to see the cracks, and you don’t know what can be repaired? It can be really scary Keep Reading...
new here? Pin for later: Tip #4:"Growability" is a Powerful Thing "Growability" is Nathan's invented word. I like it - it fits. Essentially, don't just admit when you're wrong...grow from it. One of the lines from our family Keep Reading...
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