Don’t create habits. Create something positive that is missed in your routine when it’s absent. Get intimate – with your connection to your own body, with your partner, and making connections with friends that feed your Keep Reading...
The final wrap-up to this series – what is your intention for your relationships? This is the second series on the Mama Says Namaste Podcast with my most favorite guest (and partner for life), Nathan Keep Reading...
You are only a genius…today This is the second series on the Mama Says Namaste Podcast with my most favorite guest (and partner for life), Nathan Logsdon. In this series, we dig deep into the Keep Reading...
The first in a new series, we dive deep into the wonderful topic of intimate relationships. It’s time for a new series! We started this podcast digging deep into the foundation of our wiring, looking at Keep Reading...
As visionaries, high Ds can be so driven that they miss what’s right in front of them. This is the sixth episode in the “Be The Good, See the Good” Series. We will dive in to Keep Reading...
Dot your i’s and cross your t’s, the High Cs know their stuff. This is the fifth in the “Be The Good, See the Good” Series. We will dive in to how the uniqueness in Keep Reading...
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