When you first bring your little babies home, you're typically lost in the parent haze of adoration and exhaustion, and there is one focus - it's on being a parent! Yet, like it or not, you Keep Reading...

I’m Not a Teacher, I’m A Parent! (Episode 249)

"How do I get my kid to think like an unschooler?" This was a listener question I got in recently that tied in perfectly with our discussion this week! As we discussed 4 Steps to Motivate Keep Reading...

How Do I Get My Kids To Think Like An Unschooler? (Episode 248)

How are we internally motivated?  True learning comes from that desire and hunger to acquire a skill or knowledge based on an area of interest or need to know.  As we dig into the concept of Keep Reading...

4 Steps to Motivate Your Child With Curiosity (Episode 247)

Deschooling - The Education of Letting Go So you want a new perspective on education? It may be your first step isn't school at all, but "deschooling".  In this episode we debunk the myths of what Keep Reading...

Deschooling and the Myths of Education (Episode 246)

Curious what unschooling in the Florida Keys looks like? This week we brought on the whole family for the podcast episode, and we each share about something we've learned about down here in the Keys. Sometimes our Keep Reading...

Unschooling in the Florida Keys (Episode 208)

How can you be calm when there is so much clutter in your head? In this episode, we talk about the mental clutter that overwhelms us and can take over.Welcome to Season Three on the Mama Says Keep Reading...

Head Clutter and The Chaos of Overwhelm