Life Harmonizing Sessions

The Life Harmony Sessions are a full-on, comprehensive process of one-on-one life planning. When you work with me, you can pick however many sessions you want to get started with. 

Below you will see the variety of topics covered, and you can pick how many sessions you feel are needed as a launchpad (I offer ongoing coaching options for existing clients).

This package lays out a conceptual, yet structured, process that will enhance your sense of balance, focus, confidence, and enthusiasm, regardless of any momentary circumstances. This is not about just finding a job or tackling bedtime fiascos in your home. This is about a lifestyle shift where you are the artist painting the picture of the life you dream of.

Each of the sessions included in this package are approximately 1-2 hours in length and includes personal action steps and email follow-up after every session. I always allot a full 2 hours for the sessions so our focus is on how much you can take in before an action step, not on watching the clock. The culmination is the personalized application, which may take many different forms, often embracing creative skills in ways never before seen as possible.  

This elite package covers all this and more...

Individual "Portrait" Session

This is the core session I start all my clients out with - so much of looking forward starts by first looking within, and that's the focus of our first session. We will look at:

  • How to thrive in your strengths - those natural tendencies that bring forth you in your best light. 
  • Triggers that will pull out the worst in you and send you into a negative reaction. 
  • Suggestions for things that rejuvenate your soul in all seven areas of your life: family, social, career, financial, spiritual, physical, and personal development/creative play.
  • Resources and tips on understanding all the personality styles so you can start to identify personality styles of those around you so you can better communicate with them (all packages include profiles for everyone under your roof, with the option for a partner to join you for any/all sessions*)

*Couples sessions start at $750

Also Included:

  • Mama Says Namaste Snapshot for you PLUS everyone who lives with you 
  • DISC Quick Tips to identify how to best communicate with other styles
  • Quick Personality Styles "cheat sheet" 
  • Video laying out the gifts, fears, and triggers for each personality style and how to communicate with love and grace
  • Select printables chosen for your unique situation for you to post as daily reminders.

Your future is going to depend on your purpose in life.

Albert E.N. Gray

The Common Denominator Of Success

“In the last analysis, your future is not going to depend on economic conditions or outside influences or circumstances over which you have no control.

Your future is going to depend on your purpose in life, and on the way you use the power of thought and imagination. It will depend upon the character and the courage that you build into your life - a character which is the result of a never-ending effort to integrate your thoughts and actions around high principles."

Vision Casting

What do you really have control of?  What is truly within your power, and how can you eliminate becoming a "victim of circumstance"? 

We all have opportunities around us, and we are in control of our own perspective. We have a choice in how our future unfolds, and this session is the time to lay out what we want. Once we set our intentions, we are ready to take action.  

You are in the driver's seat of your life - let's make the map and lay out the navigation! Recognizing your “areas of competence” and believing you are capable of change will open up immediate and multiple options.

You will be guided through a process of identifying your vision and intention in seven different areas of your life.  We will then move backward to create an action plan for one year from now, next month, and starting tomorrow. The key is accountability - not only creating a game plan but staying focused on follow-through. 

Invest in yourself

Ashley, you have impressed me so, put even more faith into what I believed was possible for a coaching experience. I have no bad feedback!

What I love and appreciate most:
Your honesty, your accountability, your ability to approach all the wheels, your guidance like a momma, a sister, and a mentor all in one. What you say in your mission, your website, is absolutely amazingly true and comes out shining in what you say and do. Thank you for being so genuinely you, and helping me unleash the me inside of me with grace. Especially appreciate how responsive and thorough you are, thoughtful, and strong and your beautiful spirit shines through. I look forward to learning from you. I often find myself making decisions and hearing what you might say about it ahead of time… it’s a great side effect.

I also thank You Ashley for being honest and sharing with me as well- all of it helps me and guides me on this awesome journey I have embarked upon, and the best investment I ever made for myself is to work with you.

Laura M.  //  Podcaster, Fitness Coach and Blogger

Are your priorities backward?

I initially thought I had to figure out what I wanted out of this life to make everything work. I then realized during our call that I have to figure out what WE want out of this life. I realized I had been building everything backward.

Business can't be my sole focus to get my family to a good life, I have to build my family and then figure out how business fits in to assist our goals and vision. Also, the introduction to DISC was very powerful, I see that as a key understanding of people and how to get along with them better. The value I received from just one call with Ashley was immeasurable.

Matt W.  //  President, ONA Landscaping

What Is Your Purpose?

Oftentimes, people come to me looking for help with a career - to get back into it after having children or seeking something that is truly theirs outside of motherhood. However, we want the career or business options explored to reflect the LIFE you want.

My late father, career coach and author, said "85% of the process of having the confidence of proper direction comes from looking inward first". With clarity there, we can move boldly to the best possible applications. This may include the exploration of new methods of job searching, new techniques in presenting oneself, new work models, and innovative ways of generating income.

No matter if you're coming to me for a career change, marriage, or family, we're going to dig deep into what drives you and gets you excited about this beautiful life you're living.

Your "One Thing"

This is where we take all introspection and shift it to action.  We look at:

  • Your unique personality style
  • Your values, dreams and passions
  • Your vision for your family - and your life
  • Your skills and abilities

Instead of simply dreaming for when you can finally relax and rest, let's get intentional about creating a life you don't need to escape from. This package is fully customizable to ensure we tackle what is most important for you - both professional and personal.  

Beyond our initial "DISCovering You" session where we address your personality style and that of others in your home, we dig into your specific goals. Each session beyond that will build on the first, with me giving you action steps to address in between. Our sessions go as deep as you're willing to take them, and we stop when you have some good next steps for moving forward. We'll lay out what your biggest desires are, and then work backward to build out the steps to get there. 

Package includes:

  • 1-2 hour sessions via Zoom video conferencing (or via phone)
  • Optional audio and video recording of our sessions
  • Printables, PDF action plans and/or other resources as applicable
  • Follow-up email with summaries of action steps to take (for ongoing coaching, we have a shared journal for communication between sessions)
  • Namaste Personality Snapshot and assessment for the whole family
  • Hey, I can't share all the goodness, but know there may be some fun stuff added in 🙂 

Don't put this off - make YOU a priority.  

This is an investment that goes beyond a family vacation to create a life you all thrive in!  

Learn To Thrive Again

This process takes you away from focusing on the day-to-day stresses and tasks and refocuses you on what matters, relationships and family. Too often we get caught up on the muck of life and forget to enjoy the good we have all around us all the time.

The profiles themselves help to understand each other on a deeper level and help to show how to work with each other. We are all different and have different ways of doing/seeing/feeling things. We have 6 people in our house and we are ALL DIFFERENT and we all need to understand that is ok. So far, the profiles have allowed us to come up with plans for our 2 oldest (with their help) and they are beginning to thrive again--especially knowing they are unique and were able to participate in the process.

DUSTIN L. //  Sales Rep, Full Time Traveling Family

Deeper Understanding and Connection

You handled my enthusiasm of learning all these truths with kindness; you directed my energies to help me ask myself better questions and ultimately find my own answers and you encouraged and validated my journey and the wins along the way. 

I didn’t realize that life is more like a story that you get to write and you determine the setting, the characters and whether it’s a drama or a comedy. And that investing in myself through coaching with Ashley was one of the best decisions because I met an “editor” who helped me define my story. I feel empowered to create a life that I love!

Tiffany J. //  SAHM, Virtual Assistant

 Available now  

How well do you know yourself...and your loved ones?
