All Podcast Episodes

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We have a new "2Q" Series, where we answer two questions on our podcast - if you're stumped on something, feeling overwhelmed, or otherwise curious about anything related to creating a life you don't want to escape from, ask us here. I will personally respond to you, AND we may feature it on an upcoming podcast episode!

The uniqueness in each of us strengthens all of us.

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Taking A Pause and Digging Deep (Episode 344)
Well, last week I talked about having a flourishing life, and the reality is, sometimes it's a season to soak[...]
The Compassionate Heart Philosophy (Episodes 112 and 342)
The "Compassionate Heart Philosophy" has become a way of life for us over the past few years, so it was[...]
Does Your Personality Change Over Time? (Episode 341)
Does our personality change over time? I get that question a lot as a coach with a specialty focus on[...]
“What I Like” Is First-Step Thinking (Episode 340)
I know what I like and want in life. That's our goal, right? To be so in tune with ourselves[...]
Working From Home Is SO Overrated (Episode 339)
Working from's everyone's dream...right? Post-2020, many got to test that theory out, and wow, can it be overwhelming. It's[...]
Embracing the Chaos: 3 Tenets to Show Up In Your Life and Relationships (Episode 336)
Valentine's Day happened this week, so of course, our topic is love. I was talking with my daughters the other[...]
I Believe In Abundance – Focusing On Intentions (Episode 335)
As we head into our second month of 2024 as I write this, it's time to discuss what we do[...]
Breaking Down Judgment: 3 Tools for Approaching Life with Empathy and Compassion (Episode 334)
It's another day of upside down in my world as I sit here by my father's bedside watching him transition[...]
My Father’s Legacy: Navigating Grief and Walking Him Home (Episode 333)
After a bit of an unexpected hiatus, we're back. For those of you already subscribed to my weekly newsletter, you[...]
Unwrapping Peace: Navigating Holiday Stress & Cultivating Joyful Connections in Relationships (Episode 332)
It's the holiday season and prime time for stress and obligation to take over. Yet, when you're thinking of what[...]
Eco-Friendly Gifting: Match Sustainable Gifts with DISC Personality Styles (Episode 331)
If you're stumped on what to get your loved ones as gifts, this is the episode for you. Not only[...]
2Q: “Just” a Parent, and Money Perspectives (Episode 330)
Are you "just a stay-at-home parent", or otherwise struggling with seeing your value when you aren't bringing home a paycheck?[...]
2Q: Fostering Learning and Entrepreneurism At Home (Episode 329)
As a relationships coach and unschooling mama, I am no stranger to answering questions. And, I have to say...I love it.[...]
Notice and Do: A Whole Family Approach To Managing The Invisible Load (Episode 328)
Have you ever considered the invisible load of managing a home? Those countless tasks and the mental and emotional energy[...]
The Art of Replenishment: Tapping into the Multiple Forms of Rest in Everyday Life (Episode 327)
In a world filled with constant busyness and overwhelm, it can be easy to overlook the importance of rest and[...]
Gender Roles and Relationships at Home: Challenging the Norms (Episode 326)
In this episode of the Mama Says Namaste podcast, Nathan and I dive deep into a thought-provoking discussion about gender[...]
Honest Talks, Lasting Bonds: Applying Fierce Conversations to Strengthen Your Family (Episode 325)
We're covering our take on Susan Scott's book, "Fierce Conversations" in this episode - and how we can take her[...]
Embracing Openness, Fostering Trust (Episode 324)
How much trust do you have in your children? Especially as they get a bit older and are testing their[...]
The Wart Effect: How Shifting Your Mindset Can Help You Conquer Life’s Obstacles (Episode 323)
When Nathan and I were dating, we shared all kinds of stories of our childhood and our vulnerabilities - and[...]
Staying Grounded – Mind, Body and Soul (Episode 322)
Have you ever looked for ways or thought about the impact of grounding in your life? It has been a[...]
4 Tips for A Successful Day – At Home And At Work (Episode 321)
What constitutes a successful day for you? Do you have a clear idea of what "success" means to you? To[...]
Co-Parenting: How to Show Up as a Unified Front in Raising Your Kids (Episode 320)
We've been talking about how to feel supported by your partner, but how do we take it to that next[...]
The Mind, Body, and Soul of Relationships: A Holistic Approach to Connection (Episode 319)
If you're a more holistic family like we are, you are probably well aware of the concept of functional medicine,[...]
6 Tips For Natural Consequences (Episode 318)
Our kids are learning, and natural consequences are always around us. It's cause and effect. Every action has a consequence.[...]
So Your Child Still Isn’t Reading – Helping Late Readers (Episode 317)
Do you have a late reader in your family? Or do you feel like you're constantly fighting an uphill battle[...]
Cultivating Mindfulness By 54321 (Episode 316)
I'm back with Juliet today discussing ways to calm down, center yourself, and engage the senses. We break down the[...]
Why You May Need A Financial Therapist – with Celia Roberts Hughes (Episode 315)
Have you ever heard of a financial therapist? My childhood friend Celia Roberts Hughes is with me for this episode[...]
Does Awareness and Quiet Have A Place In Your Home? (Episode 314)
Have you fostered awareness and enjoyed the quiet in your home, or is it a fend-for-yourself-borderline-chaos environment? Most likely it's[...]
Can They Go From Kid to “Adult” After 6,750 Days? (Episode 313)
Last week I talked with Nellie Harden about the teenage years, and she brought to my attention the reality of parenthood.[...]
Parenting Teens Into Adulthood with Nellie Harden (Episode 312)
Fostering self-worth, confidence, and self-esteem in our kids is a given, right? How in the world do we navigate parenting[...]
A Kid’s Perspective: Facing Fears and Finding Confidence (Episode 311)
Have you ever been afraid to face your fears? Well, I'm back with my daughter Juliet and she has 5[...]
Rich Dad, Poor Dad – Awaken Your Financial Genius (Episode 310)
It's time for another book review on a book with a HUGE impact: Rich Dad, Poor Dad. Now, I'll have[...]
Who Rules The Roost? (Episode 309)
Do you have rules in your home? Maybe, like me, you'd rather call them "guardrails" than actual rules. Rules are[...]
Have You Considered How You Lead? (Episode 308)
How do you lead your family? We can talk about effective parenting, however, beyond just "getting the job done," are[...]
Stepping Stones from A-Z with Juliet: A Hero’s Journey (Episode 307)
What is a hero's journey? How do you go from not knowing something to being awesome? This was another podcast[...]
8 “Fights” To Pick With Your Kids (Episode 306)
As a parent, it's a given that it can be helpful to pick your battles. Fighting with your toddler over[...]
From Mess to Masterpiece: 10 Tips for a Fulfilling Day (Episode 305)
Are there those days you feel like everything is an absolute mess? My mother is an artist through and through,[...]
Understanding Your Cycle of Conflict with Tony and Alisa DiLorenzo (Episode 304)
Tony and Alisa DiLorenzo are back with us for a "skills book" highlight of their newest release, The 6 Pillars of[...]
Into-Me-See – Prioritizing Our Most Vulnerable Sides (Episode 303)
I know the topic of intimacy can be a dicey situation for a lot of families, and I also recognize[...]
Lighten up with the one you love – get out and PLAY! (Episode 302)
How much do you really play with your partner? Play is such a huge part of our childhoods, yet is[...]
Pride Goeth Before A Fall – Can Your Marriage Hold Up? (Episode 301)
How often has your pride stood in the way of moving forward in a relationship? Do you find yourself trying[...]
6 Lessons for Every Relationship (Episode 300)
Today is the day we launch our 300th episode of the Mama Says Namaste podcast. That means I have well[...]
Help Yourself! Trauma, HMR, And Pathways To Healing with Lenora Edwards (Episode 299)
In this series of looking inward, we've been addressing personality styles. While this is an important part of understanding the[...]
How To Be A Chameleon Without Losing Yourself (Episode 298)
As we focus on looking inward this month, it's time for another book review. While this book addresses the DISC personality[...]
Cracking the Code of Empathy: How DISC Personality Assessments Can Help You Speak the Same Language (Episode 297)
I've spent years coaching families using the DISC personality assessments, and the more and more I've walked families through them,[...]
The Pros and Cons of Traveling – A Kid’s Perspective (Episode 296)
As we've been focused on travel, it was time for another episode with Juliet to get her take on our[...]
Travel To The Life You Don’t Want To Escape From (Episode 295)
On the road again...lately there have been many travel days, and I'm realizing I need to share a bit more[...]
Before Your Family Adventures, Ask Yourself These Questions (Episode 294)
What type of travel really excites you? Is it to go international? We thought that's what we wanted... And yet...have[...]
What To Do When You Can’t Afford A Vacation (Episode 293)
Feeling Stuck? Have you wondered what to do when you can't afford a vacation? Do you simply just hold off[...]
Co-Creating Life As A Family…x3 (Episode 292)
When it comes to your most intimate relationship, are you living side-by-side, completely codependently, or somewhere in between? Have you[...]
How Can I Be Driven When I Don’t Know My Calling? (Episode 291)
This can pack a lot of depth into one question - "how can I be driven when I don't know my[...]
The Go-Giver Marriage – 5 Secrets to Lasting Love (Episode 290)
There are a lot of marriage books out there, and there are several I could recommend as a great read.[...]
Exploring Gender Roles & Labels: A Guide for Navigating Family Dynamics (Episode 289)
How do you navigate gender roles in marriage? How do you explore this with your children, on how they view[...]
Inviting Boredom on Purpose? (Episode 288)
"Moooooooommmm! I'm booooooooored!" Ahh, boredom - that horrid mindset that enters into all our homes uninvited. What do you do when[...]
Popular, I Wanna Be Popular! (Episode 287)
Remember the song in the musical Wicked, "Popular?" Popularity seems to be the desire of so many tweens and teens[...]
The Danish Way of Parenting (Episode 286)
Have you heard of the Danish way of parenting? While I knew Denmark has ranked first or second for the[...]
Desire-Driven Direction (Episode 285)
We're about halfway through January, and of course the biggie on people's minds are all those goals and resolutions...and the[...]
Gift Ideas For Impact and Personality! (Episode 280)
If you're stumped on what to get your loved ones as gifts, this is the episode for you. Not only[...]
Kiss the Walls: Simple Boundaries, Simple Gratitude (Episode 279)
We moved from "kissing the walls" to a big open space. Yes, quite literally. Yesterday we rolled in to our[...]
Meditating On Gratitude (Episode 278)
It's the day before Thanksgiving. We don't spend much time focusing on the traditional perspective of Thanksgiving - the story[...]
The 12 Tenets of Wellness (Episode 277)
There is a lot on health and wellness. And I'm a huge advocate of your physical health being in direct[...]
Authoring Reality: Writing Your Life with Meaning (Episode 276)
As we asked listeners and readers to share what they are tolerating in their homes, we've heard a common theme.[...]
You Can Sleep When You Die (Episode 275)
Are you sleeping enough? I remember a time in my life when yawning was common all throughout my day, as[...]
Eating The Elephant of Clutter (Episode 274)
You know that old saying about how to eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Well that's definitely the[...]
The Family Trap (Episode 273)
Have you ever felt like, instead of being in a family home you've created, it starts to feel a bit[...]
How To Create a Home with Namaste (Episode 272)
How do you create a namaste environment in your home, and what exactly does "namaste" even mean? As I was[...]
Ian’s Aftermath (Episode 271)
It's officially a week after Hurricane Ian, and we've picked up the rubble and are moving forward...and recognizing this is[...]
Waiting to Worry: Hurricane Ian’s Approach (Episode 270)
I have to be honest - it's hard to write a blog post or do a podcast with Hurricane Ian[...]
A Decade of Gratitude and Insights from a 10-year-old (Episode 269)
It's 2022, and our youngest daughter, Juliette, is just days away from double digits. (And yes, she's adopted a new[...]
How To Discipline Kids Naturally For Life (Episode 268)
In our last episode on the Mama Says Namaste podcast, I had guest Kimball Lewis of Empowering Parents come on[...]
Why Kids Lie…and What To Do About It (GUEST Episode 267)
At some point in parenting, it's pretty much a given that your child is going to tell a lie. Why[...]
“C” Through Rage to Grace (Episode 266)
Nathan and I were talking about anger and how we move past it, and he hit on a such a[...]
3 Ps for Internal Climate Change (Episode 265)
Climate change is real, and here in full force. We're experiencing the devastation of our actions and what happens when[...]
4 Steps to Reset And Thrive (Episode 264)
Have you ever felt completely overwhelmed, at your whit's end, or feeling stuck? I can completely relate. And, so can[...]
3 Screen-Free Family Activities (Episode 263)
Oh the frustrations with screen time and how quickly it can take over a household! Just like we can get[...]
Are You A Parent? Step Into The Spotlight (Episode 262)
There are many people who don't care for being in the spotlight. They aren't seeking the attention of being on[...]
Get Used To Disappointment (Episode 261)
As we build on our conversation from last week about our children not being the center of the universe, we're[...]
Your Children Are Not The Center Of The Universe! (Episode 260)
Ah, children. They believe the world revolves around them. Think about it - it only makes sense, when they are[...]
Experts, Expectations, and Getting What You Want In Life (Episode 259)
Let's face it - we all do it - write stories about what we expect to happen, and get mad[...]
A PSA For The United States (Episode 258)
This past weekend here in the US, we celebrated Independence Day. And, once again, our weekend was riddled with mass[...]
Who is the Author of Your Story? (Episode 257)
Should your teen - or tween - have a smartphone? How about younger? When is the "right" time to introduce[...]
Do I Get My Kid a Smartphone? (Episode 256)
Should your teen - or tween - have a smartphone? How about younger? When is the "right" time to introduce[...]
Snakes, Unschooling, and Fear of the Unknown (GUEST Episode 255)
If you've been following our family Instagram, you've seen how snakes have entered our lives in a big way. As[...]
The Honest Truth About Secrets (Episode 254)
Season 4, Episode 32 Secrets, secrets are no fun.  Secrets, secrets hurt someone!  Most everyone has heard this at some[...]
Holding Space for Grieving (Episode 253)
It's hard to do another podcast on parenting after another weekend of mass shootings. I'm sickened by the anger and[...]
What To Do When Your Child Acts Out (GUEST Episode 252)
Why do kids act out? How do you eliminate battles and toxic behavior? Do you know what to do when[...]
The Four Styles of Childhood Learning (Episode 251)
Knowing what kind of teacher you are – what motivates you and how you best take on learning new things[...]
The Four Types of Parent – How Do You React? (Episode 250)
As a parent first and foremost, we want our children to learn and grow as much as possible.  I’ve addressed how[...]
I’m Not a Teacher, I’m A Parent! (Episode 249)
When you first bring your little babies home, you're typically lost in the parent haze of adoration and exhaustion, and[...]
How Do I Get My Kids To Think Like An Unschooler? (Episode 248)
"How do I get my kid to think like an unschooler?" This was a listener question I got in recently[...]
4 Steps to Motivate Your Child With Curiosity (Episode 247)
How are we internally motivated?  True learning comes from that desire and hunger to acquire a skill or knowledge based[...]
Deschooling and the Myths of Education (Episode 246)
Deschooling - The Education of Letting Go So you want a new perspective on education? It may be your first[...]
Raising Confident Kids – Speaking to Adults (Episode 245)
Can Your Child Talk To Adults?Oftentimes we hear comments about how you can tell who the homeschool kids are because[...]
How To Parent – and Teach – Along the Way (Episode 244)
The True Unschooling ParentHow do you parent - and teach - along the way? This may be very different than[...]
Creative Travel Ideas for the Senses (Episode 243)
Choosing Travel in your MindAh, the road can be long with kids, so why not choose to enjoy the journey?[...]
Why Travel (even just outside your own door) is the Best Education (Episode 242)
Travel is EducationAs we continue to move forward despite the turmoil in the world, it might be easy to justify[...]
Tiny Living As A Family (Episode 241)
It's getting Cramped here...This was our month to really dive into travel, and share about the 90 Day Family Road[...]
Out of the Box and Budget-Friendly Vacation Ideas for Families (Episode 240)
Feeling Stuck?Have you wondered what to do when you can't afford a vacation? Do you simply just hold off and[...]
Financial Intimacy…say what? (Episode 239)
In our final wrap-up week on our month of love & intimacy, we're diving into a biggie - financial intimacy.[...]
One Extraordinary Marriage with Tony and Alisa DiLorenzo (Episode 238)
One extraordinary marriage. Isn't that what we dream of when we say, "I do?" Yet, somewhere along the way, life[...]
Navigating Disagreements In Marriage (Episode 237)
How do you handle conflict and disagreement in your home? As we dig into our most intimate relationship this month,[...]
Redefining Your Tribe – Your Most Intimate Relationship (Episode 236)
Marriage looks quite a bit different than ages past, and it can be more complex than ever. The definition of[...]
Time Management (and getting your sanity back) for Parents (Episode 235)
Last week was a fabulous interview with Elyssa Smith on getting out of survival mode, and this week we focus[...]
Get Out of Survival Mode with these Three Steps (Episode 234)
Do you catch yourself living in "survival mode," running on fumes, or not creating any time for self-care? I am[...]
Goals and Word of the Year (Episode 233)
We're about halfway through January, and of course the biggie on people's minds are all those goals and resolutions...and the[...]
Mama Says Namaste Podcast Highlights Part 2 (Episode 232)
Last week we started our Mama Says Namaste Podcast highlights with the bottom five of our top ten episodes of[...]
Mama Says Namaste Podcast Highlights Part 1 (Episode 231)
Over this week and the next, Nathan and I have pulled the top ten podcast episodes of all time, and[...]
Christmas Talk with My Daughter Juliet (Episode 230)
It's the week of Christmas, and my nine-year-old daughter, Juliet, has been anticipating this all year long. Additionally, she's an[...]
Have You Forgotten You’re A Parent? (What truly is “parenting done right?”) (Episode 229)
Have you forgotten you're a parent? Yikes. That seems like an easy answer of no, right? I mean, how can[...]
Holiday Stress and Obligation, Yay! (Episode 228)
Let's talk holidays. Specifically, the agenda of "should" and obligation vs. what a holiday is truly about. The actual definition[...]
Meaningful Conversations: Interview with Tara Miko of Bright Littles (Episode 227)
How to you have meaningful conversations in your home? In light of the past two years, especially, there has been[...]
Thankful for The Life I Don’t Want To Escape From (Episode 226)
As I write this during the week of Thanksgiving, in our home, the focus is simply on gratitude. I have[...]
High Processing Personalities (Episode 225)
In the previous post, we talked all about people that are high energy - those that seem to constantly be[...]
Can I Get A Chill Pill? High Energy Personalities (Episode 224)
Have you encountered people in your life that seem so full of energy they are just constantly "on"? I remember[...]
Perspectives on Attraction (Episode 223)
What truly makes an attractive person? Well, in my opinion, covering these key characteristic ingredients is a solid first step.[...]
Recipe for a Light-Hearted Relationship: Part 4 – Instructions for Intention (Episode 222)
This is our final wrap-up in the creation of a beautiful dish - a light-hearted and intentional relationship! In episode[...]
Recipe for a Light-Hearted Relationship: Part 3 – Ingredients for Intimacy (Episode 221)
As we've been brewing on what the ingredients were for a light-hearted relationship, we started with some foundational elements. In[...]
Recipe for a Light-Hearted Relationship: Part 2 – Love Languages (Episode 220)
In this new series, my husband Nathan and I are digging into what really creates the recipe for a light-hearted[...]
Recipe for a Light-Hearted Relationship: Part 1 – Triggers (Episode 219)
What is the recipe for a truly light-hearted, healthy and loving relationship? As my husband and I discussed this on[...]
Which is More Important – Skillset or Mindset? (Episode 218)
Which is more important in life - your skillset, or your mindset? When we look at the world of academics,[...]
5 Minimalist Parenting Tips (Episode 217)
I've been on a "simplify parenting" kick, really focusing in on those things we do that complicate our lives and[...]
Simplify Childhood: Quickies Aren’t Just In the Bedroom (Episode 216)
When you hear the word "quickie", clearly our minds tend to go to one place. And yes, even there, it[...]
Do You Force Your Children To Learn? (Episode 215)
In our world of unschooling, we believe in delight-led learning, and the functional education model of learning as we live[...]
Know When To Hold ‘Em, Know When To Fold ‘Em… (Episode 214)
Remember that old Kenny Rogers song, "The Gambler"? The main chorus talks about knowing when to hold your deck and[...]
Watch Your Language – Are You Talking AT, FOR, or WITH Your Children? (Episode 213)
How do you talk to your kids? I've found that there can be many, many "conversations" in households where it's[...]
Are You NOT Entertained??!! (Episode 212)
Could you handle a 6 hour car ride with zero “entertainment” for your children? Do you dread hearing “I’m bored”[...]
Raising Good Humans: Four Tenets (Episode 211)
How do we raise our children to lead and leave an impact in a positive way? In this episode, I[...]
Do You Flow…Or Fester? (Episode 210)
Last week we talked about toxic behavior we all navigate in our lives. This week we take it a step[...]
Dealing With “Prickly” People and Toxicity (Episode 209)
Are you drained from dealing with difficult people in your life? Sometimes toxicity is here to stay - you have[...]
Unschooling in the Florida Keys (Episode 208)
Curious what unschooling in the Florida Keys looks like? This week we brought on the whole family for the podcast[...]
Rest and Reset…Daily (Episode 207)
How often do you make space to rest - and reset - in your daily life? As Nathan and I[...]
Are Teenagers Like Brussels Sprouts? (Episode 206)
Are you a Brussels sprout lover? I know, for me, I was a super picky eater when I was younger[...]
Real Connection In A Connected World – Navigating Screens as a Family (Episode 205)
We live in a super connected world...and yet, with the addition of screen time in our homes, the true connection of[...]
Parenting Decisions (Episode 204)
When I was younger, I knew all my years of babysitting, teaching, camp counselor-ing and loving on kids had fully[...]
The Secret Exercise Routine No One Is Talking About (Episode 203)
Think you've heard it all when it comes to exercise? Well, I want to talk about a specific type of[...]
Can I Afford It? Cashflow and Financial Savviness (Episode 202)
Have you experienced true cashflow in your life? Have you experienced abundance in your life, where you weren't feeling a[...]
How We Eased Into A Life We Don’t Escape From (Episode 201)
Wow, 201 episodes in, and this is a day to celebrate! 4 years ago today, the Mama Says Namaste podcast[...]
Lessons Learned After 200 Episodes (Episode 200)
I can't believe it - we're 200 episodes in with our podcast. That is 1, 400 days of getting a[...]
Decluttering with Tracy McCubbin (Episode 199)
How in the world do you really declutter and make it stay that way? Are you overwhelmed with the clutter[...]
Real Talk with an 8-Year-Old Unschooler (Episode 198)
Are you ready for some real talk with an 8-year-old unschooler? This week for both the podcast and this blog[...]
Full-time RVing as a Family (Episode 197)
Have you ever considered full-time RVing for your family? It can seem like a pretty daunting thing,'s possible. Oh[...]
Connected…or Codependent? (Episode 196)
Are you connected... or codependent in your relationship? Codependency has definitely come more and more to the forefront as a[...]
Om and Namaste at Home (Episode 195)
This week's episode is positioned a little differently - I am going back to one of my core messages in[...]
The Unschooling Parent (Episode 194)
When it comes to our relationship with our children, there are many, many ways to parent. Throwing in alternative education[...]
My Better Version – Mindfulness for Parents with Tatyana Souza (Episode 193)
Do you feel you are really representing the best version of who you are? Are you connecting to your family[...]
What’s Left Unsaid – Nonverbal Cues (Episode 192)
Have you considered how much is unsaid that speaks so loudly? There have been studies showing that over 55% of[...]
Do You Have a FULL Life…or Simply A Busy One? (Episode 191)
Do you have a full life...or a busy one? Sometimes we wear our "busy" as a badge of honor; yet[...]
Drama Doesn’t Make An Appointment (Episode 190)
Do you adjust to the world or do you demand that the world adjust to you? Crazy enough, everyone isn’t[...]
3 Reasons You’re Feeling Stuck (Episode 189)
What do you do when you have a dream that is out of reach, or you feel like your life[...]
My Soul Is Crying For Change (Episode 188)
Change is inevitable in our lives…yet it can be scary and overwhelming. How are you navigating change? In your home,[...]
My Marriage is Slipping Away From Me (Episode 187)
What do you do when you think your marriage is falling apart? What do you do when you’re starting to[...]
Shift Your Perspective Before Your Bank Account (Episode 186)
Before you move forward with finding that perfect job or getting that perfect amount in the bank account, we have[...]
Is Schooling Like Religion? (Episode 185)
How do you navigate the muddy post-covid waters of the educational world? How has homeschooling become like religion, nuanced and[...]
Creating Sexual Legacy – How to talk to your kids about the Birds and the Bees: Part 3 (Episode 184)
When do you have "the talk" with your kids? For many families, discussing the "birds and the bees" is something[...]
Moon-Cycle Wisdom – How to talk to your kids about the Birds and the Bees: Part 2 (Episode 183)
When do you have "the talk" with your kids? For many families, discussing the "birds and the bees" is something[...]
How to talk to your kids about the Birds and the Bees: Part 1 (Episode 182)
When do you have "the talk" with your kids? For many families, discussing the "birds and the bees" is something[...]
Shaking Off The Dirt with Michael Arterberry (Episode 181)
This week is another podcast interview complete with video! The summarized transcript is below, along with being able to listen[...]
What’s Your Word? (Episode 180)
Do you do a word of the year? Maybe it's a phrase or mantra. Or maybe, you're feeling all the[...]
Have Life Seasons Got You Stuck In A Funk? (Episode 179)
Feeling in a bit of a funk lately? Are you questioning if there is any end in sight? Well there[...]
The Wonderful Truth About Santa (Episode 178)
It's the week of Christmas, I know Santa is on the minds of many children all over the world! How[...]
Minimalist Gifts For Maximum Impact (Episode 177)
Are you dreaming of only the most minimalist gifts...but have a clutter-loving family you know goes overboard for the holidays?[...]
Navigating toxic behavior (Episode 176)
There are some people in our lives that are a huge energy suck, a negative Nancy, or some other verbal[...]
Emotional Labor – Who Takes Care of What? (Episode 175)
How do you navigate role conflict in your home? Has one partner become the "emotional manager" for the family, while[...]
Family Culture, Boundaries and More with Jodi Chaffee (Episode 174)
Every family has a culture...whether by design, or by default. I have a special guest with me this week who[...]
Behind the Scenes – Hurricanes, Houses and Hair (Episode 173)
Boy has this been a jam-packed last week of ups and downs! We closed on a new house in Florida,[...]
Feeling Good…or Fulfilled? (Episode 172)
What is the distinction between feeling good and feeling fulfilled? Oftentimes our pursuit of feeling good can miss that very[...]
Feeling Anxious? (Episode 171)
On this day, November 4, 2020, there are many people feeling a wee bit anxious over what news we will[...]
Food Battle Part 2: Sugar and Restaurants! (Episode 170)
Last week the Mama Says Namaste podcast covered the family food battle at home...but what about going out to eat[...]
The Family Food Battle (Episode 169)
I was talking to my brother this week and he was asking for some new ideas for meals to make[...]
3 Steps For A Family Team (Episode 168)
Are you trying to keep afloat in a child-centered home? When you think of your family, do you consider them[...]
How Do I Bond With My Child? (Episode 167)
It is here - our first of the "Ask Me Anything" podcasts! This week we address the question, "How do[...]
Why a Family Road Trip? (Episode 166)
Have you ever considered an epic family road trip? Nathan and I reflect on our why behind taking a family[...]
Juliet Talks Feelings: Wisdom from an 8-year-old (Episode 165)
This week our youngest daughter, Juliet, turns 8 years old. I asked her what we should talk about on the[...]
How To Recharge Beyond Vacation (Episode 164)
 How do you recharge on a regular basis…or, do you just cram it all in to that 2-week vacation and[...]
The Secret To Active Listening (Episode 163)
 We've been focusing in on having a connected conversation with our children - and beyond - and this episode is[...]
It’s Not About The Strawberry Ice Cream (Episode 162)
How do you talk to your children? Do you talk with them, or at them? Yes, having a connected[...]
How Do I Talk To My Kids? (And Beyond) Episode 161
How do you talk to your children? Do you talk with them, or at them? Yes, having a connected[...]
5 Tips To Focus For Frazzled Families (Episode 160)
The school year is looming and, more than anything else, what I'm seeing are some seriously frazzled families! My heart[...]
How Can I Get My Kids To Respect…and LIKE Me? (Episode 159)
Peer pressure can definitely get a bad reputation. Typically what comes to mind is shaming, force, and negativity. However...sometimes a[...]
Learning at Home The Socratic Way – Special Guest Samantha Jansky (Episode 158)
I've been fascinated by the Socratic method of learning for a long time, and it's been a natural thing to[...]
Trading Peer Pressure for “Productive Influence” (Episode 157)
Peer pressure can definitely get a bad reputation. Typically what comes to mind is shaming, force, and negativity. However...sometimes a[...]
Real Talk With 2 Homeschooling Mamas (Episode 156)
Sometimes it’s really helpful to hear what a day looks like in a homeschooling family. And, honestly, it looks like[...]
What to do about SCHOOL in 2020 (Episode 155)
At the top of many parent's minds right now is what the heck to do about school for their children[...]
Why Are Snakes In Our House? (Episode 154)
If you've been following our family Instagram, you've seen how snakes have entered our lives in a big way. As[...]
When the “Same Ole Marriage” Isn’t Working Anymore (Episode 153)
Have marriage woes gotten you down? Sometimes we can get so stuck into routine or reaction mode we fall into[...]
Self-Love, or Self-Sabotage? (Episode 152)
So much of my coaching focuses on the relationships we have with others...however, at the core of it all, is[...]
Over Commitment: How (and why) to Say NO! (Episode 151)
Do you struggle with over commitment and saying no? This podcast episode is for you - on how to not[...]
The Steps For Emotional Resilience (Episode 150)
The term "emotional resilience" refers to the ability to adapt to stressful situations or crises. It's that ability to "bounce[...]
Namaste – On Truly Hearing Each Other (Episode 149)
After a brutal weekend of riots and more country upheaval, there is a demand to speak up against the violence.[...]
Letting Go Of The Agenda…and Managing Expectations (Episode 148)
Managing expectations and agendas can be hard, especially when we get stuck if they don't go our way. What Nathan[...]
Making Decisions As A Family (Episode 147)
Making decisions as a family can always be tricky, especially the bigger the family (and the more opinions) you have[...]
6 Tips For Navigating Criticism (Episode 146)
How are you with navigating criticism? Do you immediately go on the defensive or take it as a blast to[...]
Mom-to-Mom with Joanne Miller: The 5 Pillars of Respect (Episode 145)
This episode airs the week of Mother's Day, so who better to talk to than my mama? I have a[...]
Plan. Pause. Plan. Repeat (Episode 144)
Well, there is only so long you can go on pause before you need to move forward again. So, how[...]
Money…Love…or Both? (Episode 143)
It’s time to talk money. And no, not from yet another data analyst, financial expert or business perspective. It’s time[...]
Feeling Inside Out and Upside Down? Feel All the Feels (Episode 141)
Even subtle losses in life can trigger a sense of grief. We're feeling all the feels at this present moment. Right[...]
Quarantine Boredom and Life Skills (Episode 140)
Quarantine boredom has set in, parents are getting frustrated, and...your kids are learning anyway. What can they learn that helps[...]
It’s the end of the world…as we know it (Episode 138)
Like everyone else, it’s hard to go on with times being “as normal” when we are in the midst of[...]
Tendencies, Unmet Expectations & Personality Clashes (Episode 137)
How do you respond to expectations? From your partner, your boss, even your parents? It’s amazing how our behavioral tendencies[...]
Serving Your Spouse (Episode 136)
Do you serve your spouse? The last two episodes we dug deep into what can lead to divorce, as well[...]
Bonus parents, step parents, and blended families (Episode 135)
Are you navigating a blended family? Let’s be clear – this isn’t just about when they are young – this[...]
6 Traits Destined For Divorce (Episode 134)
Do you feel you have a solid marriage? Do you see the good in your partner and feel supported in[...]
Company Is Coming! Your Survival Guide (Episode 133)
Have you had those moments, maybe during the holidays, when you were entertaining, hosting, and generally being “on” for an[...]
Costa Rica – The How, The Why, The What (Episode 132)
This week I had three different people ask me about our trip to Costa Rica, wanting to know tips and[...]
My Advice Is… (Episode 131)
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever gotten? How exactly do you best give/receive advice? The answer may lie[...]
I Hate To Break It To Him… How to Communicate Effectively (Episode 130)
How do you communicate effectively? Think about this in your home and beyond. We talk a lot about personality styles[...]
Back To Basics – with Goals and Life! (Episode 129)
Did you start this year out with great intentions...and already feel the fizzle? It's time to get back to the[...]
What Is Your Word For The Year? (Episode 128)
What is your word for the year? It's 2020 - a new year, and time for a fresh start. It's[...]
Lots of Awesome: A Peek Into 2019 with the FieldTripGypsies (Episode 127)
I started this post intending to dive straight into our word/theme for the year, with a quick update on what[...]
Mama, Is Santa Claus really REAL? (Episode 126)
Now that the hoopla of Christmas has arrived and today is that magical day, many of you parents are getting[...]
5 Senses To Break The Cycle of A Negative Mindset (Episode 125)
Are you stuck in a negative mindset? Last podcast episode we talked about 3 steps you can take to shift[...]
Finding Gratitude – Logsdon Family Virtual Campfire Chat (Episode 122)
It’s the week of gratitude, so it’s all about the feel-goods, right? Well this week we’ll have you join us[...]
Do It Scared (Episode 121)
Are you held back by fear, or just don’t feel like you can squeeze in any of your own awesomeness[...]
What Does “Freedom” Really Look Like? (Episode 119)
What does freedom really look like? When you dream of it, does it mean no work, a six figure income,[...]
The Five Agreements (Episode 118)
We all have standards we live by that help us determine how to best navigate this life. In this episode,[...]
Special Ellie Episode: Lessons Learned from a 10-year-old (Episode 117)
In this weeks’ episode, we have lessons learned from a 10-year-old! As we celebrate our middle daughter, Ellie, turning ten,[...]
College (Debt) or Not? (Episode 116)
Should you encourage your children to go to college or not? With the mounting college debt load many students walk[...]
Serendipity, Unhurried Spaciousness, and Lots of Hot Air (Episode 115)
 What does “unhurried spaciousness” mean to you? Do you allow for serendipity in your life, or do you schedule every[...]
The Ride Is Long for a Backseat Marriage (Episode 114)
Feel like you have a backseat marriage? Have kids taken over and you feel distant from the relationship that started[...]
Will My Marriage Last? Insights from John Gottman (Episode 113)
In this episode, we cover John Gottman's "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" - the surefire ways to break a relationship[...]
Are You Cut Out To Be An Entrepreneur? (Episode 111)
You have all of these great dreams for your family...yet you're stuck because of work. Maybe you have big dreams[...]
Holistic Hippies and all the natural remedies! (Episode 110)
Curious what natural remedies we swear by in our home? Get ready to hear our list of favorites, as well[...]
Toy Overload! And What To Do About It (Episode 109)
Did you know that fewer toys could actually benefit your kids? Sometimes in our desire to provide for our children,[...]
My Kid Is Lying! How to navigate lying, cheating and stealing with your kids (Episode 108)
Help - my kid is lying! What do you do when your child starts lying, stealing or cheating? We never[...]
Life Skills and Dealing with the Critics (Episode 107)
Building up life skills in your children can be daunting, especially when you are fighting your own inner fears and[...]
Mindset with Let’s Travel Family (Episode 106)
Mindset is a powerful thing. My friend Jill Greising-Murschel from Let's Travel Family is on the podcast sharing about how[...]
But I’m “Just” A Stay At Home Parent (Episode 105)
Do you struggle with being “just” a stay at home parent? For those of you who are a stay-at-home mom[...]
Can I get a little help around here? Homeschooling can be lonely! (Episode 104)
How do you get grandparents involved in a positive way with your kids? Grandparents homeschooling grandchildren may be your dream,[...]
Travel Lessons Learned (Episode 103)
As we are sharing all about the Smart Travel Super Bundle this week, it was a perfect time to talk[...]
Parent Styles – Are they helpful or harmful? (Episode 102)
Are you an authoritative parent, an attachment parent, authoritarian or permissive parent? What are all the parenting styles out there,[...]
You May Know What You Want, But THIS is What You NEED (Episode 101)
What is the difference between a counselor and a coach? Why would I need this for my family? It's a[...]
100 Ways to Happiness (Special 100th Family Episode)
Life isn't always perfect. We aren't always happy, and things don't always go as we hoped. However, we believe happiness[...]
A Letter To My Pregnant Self (Episode 99)
As I have moved beyond the stage of having babies of my own, I've loved the amazing opportunities of being[...]
CounterCultural Kids (Episode 97)
Do you have a countercultural child who struggles with fitting in? How do you support a child that comes out[...]
True Parent Struggles: Attitude, Listening and Life Skills (Episode 96)
In our final wrap up to this True Parent Struggles series, we address the other issues our listeners have shared[...]
True Parent Struggles: Bedtime Battles (Episode 95)
Bedtime struggles in your home? Unfortunately, it's not like you can "fix" it once and your children will sleep like[...]
True Parent Struggles: FOOD Battles with Kids (Episode 94)
In this "True Parent Struggles" episode, we address food. Like the comedian Jerry Seinfeld says, "you can't really spoil an[...]
True Parent Struggles: How To Treat Others (Episode 93)
In this "True Parent Struggles" episode, we dig into the Golden Rule. How do you teach your children how to[...]
True Parent Struggles: TRANSITIONS (Episode 92)
Having a hard time dealing with transitions with kids in your home? It can be hard to move from one[...]
True Parent Struggles: BOREDOM (Episode 91)
Boredom - that horrid mindset that enters into all our homes uninvited. What do you do when your child is[...]
True Parent Struggles: Screentime (Episode 90)
Introducing a new series! We dubbed this "the 7 deadly sins of parenting..." and then decided it's more a struggle[...]
How do I equip my kid to “adult”? (Episode 89)
Are you looking for resources for teens and young adults, and trying to figure out how to help your child[...]
Safety, Deliberate Dialogue, and CIA Spies (Episode 88)
Ever wonder it what it would be like to be a spy? This week we talk all about our former CIA[...]
3 Steps to Create Community You Crave (Episode 87)
How do you create community for your family? It’s that desire to find yourself and your “tribe” - to feel[...]
Opposites Attract…And How To Live With Them (Episode 86)
Do opposites attract? HOW do opposites attract? And how in the world do I handle them? February’s episode is all[...]
Unhurried Spaciousness: Five Steps for Your New Year (Episode 85)
Do you have a word for the year? We’ve done this over the past several years, choosing a word or[...]
We Got CRAFTY for Christmas (Episode 84)
Welcome to episode 84! We hope you had a very merry Christmas! This week we’re going to give a quick[...]
When Routines Are Off And Expectations Are High (Episode 83)
How do you stick to what is important to you - the diets, schedules and more that you have in[...]
5 Tips for Difficult Conversations You Want to Avoid (Episode 82)
How do you navigate those conversations you don’t want to have with the people you may not choose to be[...]
Holiday Abundance (Episode 81)
During the holidays, it's all about abundance...and yet we can get stressed out and maxed out and lose sight of[...]
Gift Ideas for Every Personality Style (Episode 80)
If you're stumped on what to get your loved ones as gifts, this is the episode for you. Not only[...]
Not Just A Hallmark Holiday – An Attitude of Gratitude (Episode 79)
The holidays can be a stressful time for some, and for others, it's that buildup to a break - a[...]
Income Ideas for Nomad Families (Episode 78)
Work: Is it All Toil And Turmoil?pin for laterPeople dream of grand adventures and all of the fun they’ll have[...]
What will it take to make you step up and do something about it? (Episode 77)
Are you feeling stuck in negativity and complacency? Are you hitting a wall and not seeing any hope? This is[...]
How to Nip Parenting Struggles in the Bud (Episode 76)
Sometimes life is not perfect, and things don’t go as planned. We all have those parenting struggles: we’re tired, sick,[...]
But What About Socialization for My Family on the Road? (Episode 75)
We received a question this week from a podcast listener, and we dig deep into how we find community on[...]
How can I be both teacher and student? Reach for the sun yourself! (Episode 74)
Learning happens in a variety of ways. And in our unschooling style, it can show up in so many aspects![...]
What Are Your Non-Negotiables In Your Family? (Episode 73)
What are your non-negotiables? We believe in a family centered home - one person can shift the whole dynamic in[...]
Connecting, Screen-time, Challenges and Overwhelm (Episode 72)
Looking for insights but overwhelmed with where to start? This week we dive into four hot topics for parents -[...]
First we had the WHY, now we have the HOW (Episode 71)
In Episode 70, we addressed the "why" that prompted us to move toward being an intentional family. A listener asked[...]
Why Take The Leap? WHY? (Episode 70)
Remember your why. Our “why” goes beyond “one day” and desire for travel. It’s about being an intentional family. As[...]
48 States! And, Some Very Special Guests (Episode 69)
We've accomplished traveling to 48 states!  With our requirements of spending the night in every state, we have officially slapped[...]
Head Clutter and The Chaos of Overwhelm
How can you be calm when there is so much clutter in your head? In this episode, we talk about the[...]
Dealing With Heavy Emotions (Episode 68)
Dealing with heavy emotions can be hard, yet carrying that weight around can limit our light in so many ways.[...]
My Kids Won’t Go To Bed! (Episode 67)
"My kids won't go to bed" tends to be the complaint I hear repeatedly from parents, and it's not just[...]
My Marriage Sucks (Episode 66)
Hopefully this isn’t what you’re thinking. But if it is, check out this podcast. Marriage isn’t a one-time commitment, but[...]
4 Steps To Make Your Bucket List Happen (Episode 65)
What on your bucket list? Hitting all the state parks in your own state, visiting every state in the US,[...]
Free Spirits, Not Holy Terrors (Episode 64)
How do you raise a free-spirited child who isn't a holy terror? How can you foster awareness and respect without[...]
Empowering the Littles (Episode 63)
If you want to talk about empowering kids, get to know how they tick first. Some people ease into life[...]
7 Seconds Will Change Your Communication and Connection (Episode 62)
We are going to dive into who we are - understanding your own personality style and those of your families.[...]
Homeschool Rebuttals (Episode 61)
"But what about socialization? How will you meet all requirements? How will they get into college?" If you homeschool in[...]
Minimalist Family, Clutter Loving Friends (Episode 60)
"I'm all on board with minimalism, but no one in my family is!" How do you keep up with the[...]
The Only Advice New Parents Need To Know (Episode 59)
What words of wisdom for new parents do you have? Advice is flowing everywhere - what do you trust? And[...]
Money, Marriage, and Mountain Lions (Episode 58)
Nathan shares his story of coming up face-to-face with a mountain lion in Washington, and we tackle the biggest mountain[...]
Toxic Relationships And What To Do About Them (Episode 57)
How do you manage the toxic relationships in your life, and how do you ensure you can love them without[...]
How Do You Navigate Gender Roles In Marriage? (Episode 56)
How do you navigate gender roles in marriage? So often the first question people ask is:"What do you do?"But, how[...]
Less Stuff, More Fluff! (Episode 55)
You know what? we have a lot of THINGS - but travel - adventure - is about so much more[...]
How to keep your sanity on Travel Days (Episode 54)
What are some of the logistics of travel on the road?  We've had many questions about this, like what you[...]
How Are You Going To Pay For Your Party? (Episode 53)
When you are planning a trip, travel expenses can loom large over you. But it doesn't have to be that[...]
Adventure is a Mindset (Episode 52)
When does your adventure start?  Are you ready for vacation?  I have a secret- it's not about where you go.[...]
When Adventures Go Awry (Episode 51)
What happens when your adventures go awry?  If you've ever dealt with breakdowns, sickness, and absolute meltdowns, you know what[...]
Toddlers, Transportation and Long Trips (Episode 50)
If you're looking at long trips with toddlers, this may be the episode for you.  Figuring out how to navigate[...]
3 Essential Secrets To Make Your “One Day” A Reality (Episode 49)
Are you ready to go on a big adventure with your family? Maybe it's to Costa Rica. Maybe it's Disney.[...]
Family Dreams – Seek Adventure Together! (Episode 48)
Do you seek adventure together as a family, or are you banking on being able to get to that "one[...]
History in a Distillery and other opportunities for learning (Episode 47)
Opportunities for Learning Notice the opportunity - this is the last in our "Functional Education" series: Opportunities to learn and[...]
Think Three Times, Speak Only Once (Episode 46)
This week we dig more into personality styles - steady, loyal, precise, any of these describe you or your[...]
Bossy Babies and Loudmouth Kids (Episode 45)
This week we dive deep into how a personality style impacts learning and how to motivate and encourage learning based[...]
What is your internal motivation? (Episode 44)
How are we internally motivated?  True learning comes from that desire and hunger to acquire a skill or knowledge based[...]
What Type Of Thinker Are You? (Episode 43)
Which path is right for me? Am I missing the mark? How do I inspire a "Life Long Learner"? How[...]
Your Credibility as Lead Explorer, Not A Teacher (Episode 42)
Credibility - do you really feel comfortable teaching your children?  No matter what type of "school" they are in, like[...]
Embrace The Struggle (Episode 41)
Is failure a tattoo or simply a bruise?  Can you allow your children to struggle and be uncomfortable?  This week[...]
Deschooling and the Myths of Education (Episode 40)
Deschooling - The Education of Letting Go So you want a new perspective on education?  It may be that your[...]
Are You A Different Drummer? (Episode 39)
We may beat to the beat of a different drummer.  So what expectations do you have surrounding education in your[...]
Family Road Trip and More – No Excuses (Episode 38)
There is so much awesomeness going on right now we felt it was important to take a step back and[...]
Remember to Play (Episode 37)
Does your family actually play together, or even know how? Understanding what motivates each of us allows for you to[...]
To Build Resilience, Let Them Bounce (Episode 36)
How many times do we try to coax our children out of their raging emotions simply because it doesn’t work[...]
Quality Over Quantity (Episode 35)
Season 4, Episode 35: Quality Over Quantity This life lesson may be something we all know we need already, but[...]
Welcome to the Fight Club – Choose Wisely (Episode 34)
You may hear "pick your battles," but how easy is it to do that in the heat of the moment,[...]
To Build Empathy, Whatever You Do, Don’t Do This… (Episode 33)
When we cultivate empathy, we build the bridge of connection.  We don’t take away the emotion or experience another is[...]
No Secrets: Love Is An Open Door (Episode 32)
Season 4, Episode 32 Secrets, secrets are no fun.  Secrets, secrets hurt someone!  Most everyone has heard this at some[...]
Don’t Be A Scrooge – If you want abundance, give it away (Episode 31)
Have an abundance mindset.  How can you live in a way that recognizes the Law of Attraction, and raise your[...]
Every Action Has A Consequence (Episode 30)
Season 4, Episode 30 In this episode on the "10 Essential Lessons for Life," we discuss the hard truths of[...]
What would make you feel truly free? (Episode 29)
In this new season, we address the 10 Essential Lessons for Life.   In our second lesson here, we talk[...]
Your Happiness Depends on You – Attitude (Episode 28)
In this new season, we address the 10 Essential Lessons for Life.  The first one here is on attitude -[...]
Here Come The Holidays…and the Relationship Drama (Episode 27)
Here come the Holidays…and Relationship Drama Do you feel the relationships in your life are what makes it all worthwhile,[...]
Does It Drain You or Sustain You? (Episode 26)
Are your life tasks completely dragging you down, where you feel like your life is more running errands and admin[...]
It’s Not A Habit; It’s Intimacy (Episode 25)
Don’t create habits.  Create something positive that is missed in your routine when it’s absent.  Get intimate - with your[...]
Family VIPs and the Power of Teachability (Episode 24)
Season 3, Episode 24: Family VIPs and the Power of Teachability Listen to this episode on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, TuneIn,[...]
Which Wolf Do You Feed? Work & Finances (Episode 23)
Work and finances - they run everything, right?  What part of life is really sucking you in, and what is[...]
How to live without saying a word: A Lesson In Awareness (Episode 21)
Our "Quiet" Experiment and Top Tips for Awareness In Your Home Listen to this episode on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play,[...]
Can your soul breathe? Engage the senses (Episode 20)
Clutter confines us - so much more than just the actual space, but the energy it brings.  Can your soul[...]
Clutter Is Simply A Postponed Decision (Episode 19)
Clutter Is Simply A Postponed Decision Let’s get to the nitty-gritty of what most people think of with minimalism -[...]
It’s More Than Just A “Joy Spark” (Episode 18)
Season 3, Episode 18 It Isn’t Just A “Joy Spark” What does “minimalism” really mean?   In this episode we[...]
Is “Home” In Your House…or Your Heart? (Episode 17)
What does "home" really mean to you? Before we clear the clutter, let's look at what vision you have for[...]
What Do You Want This Life To Be? (Episode 16)
  The final wrap-up to this series - what is your intention for your relationships? This is the second series[...]
Bathtub Boundaries With An Ocean of Love (Episode 15)
On Boundaries: Can you actually say NO and that be okay?   This is the second series on the Mama[...]
Who Has Time For Sex As A Parent, Anyway? (Episode 14)
Nathan loves to joke about sex in our house:Do I want another kid?  Nope. But we can still keep practicing.[...]
Time Waits For No One (Episode 13)
If our time is a reflection of what is most important to us, what does it say about you?  [...]
On Getting Lost, Laughter, and the Wisdom of Dr. Dre (Episode 12)
Bring some fun and play back into your life! This is the second series on the Mama Says Namaste Podcast[...]
Relationships: How Do You Play That Game? (Episode 11)
Your Voice In The Symphony of Marriage - This is the second series on the Mama Says Namaste Podcast with[...]
Growability and a Big Dose of Humble Pie (Episode 10)
You are only a genius…today   This is the second series on the Mama Says Namaste Podcast with my most[...]
Fighting Toward a Win-Win (Episode 9)
How to add respect and love to your disagreements Listen to this episode on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, TuneIn, YouTube,[...]
What We Have Here Is A Failure To Communicate! (Episode 8)
The first in a new series, we dive deep into the wonderful topic of intimate relationships. It’s time for a[...]
Do You Really Know Their Story? (Episode 7)
In this final wrap-up, we discuss having grace and compassionA band-aid approach does not make for deep connectionThis is the[...]
There is Power In the Present Moment (Episode 6)
As visionaries, high Ds can be so driven that they miss what's right in front of them. This is the[...]
Get the Facts Straight, Man! (Episode 5)
Dot your i's and cross your t's, the High Cs know their stuff.   This is the fifth in the "Be[...]
Bring On The Party Bus! (Episode 4)
Greatest fear for a high I is rejection.  Solitude, however, does not mean pure isolation.  It's a time to connect[...]
The Seasons Of Life (Episode 3)
What kind of family life do you have? Do you walk on eggshells and cringe, waiting for the next bomb of[...]
The Collaboration of Life (Episode 2)
We can't change everyone else, but we DO have the power to change ourselves.    This is the second in the[...]
Do You Really “See” Others? (Episode 1)
This is the first in the "Be The Good, See the Good" Series.   We will dive in to how[...]
What is this “Mama Says Namaste” Stuff? (Founding Episode for the Mama Says Namaste Podcast)
Mama Says Namaste: What Is This All About? Have you ever walked into your home and you felt there were[...]

 Available now  

How well do you know yourself...and your loved ones?
