by Ashley Logsdon

Plan. Pause. Plan. Repeat (Episode 144)

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  • Plan. Pause. Plan. Repeat (Episode 144)

Well, there is only so long you can go on pause before you need to move forward again. So, how do you move forward and plan when everything is up in the air? Instead of focusing on any limitations, today we’re going to address the things you CAN do today and plan for in the future.

First you pause, then plan a little. Then pause, then plan a little more.

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Hit the Highlights

We’re keeping things short and sweet this week. On the podcast, we’ll discuss some of these from the list, as well as ways we’ve incorporated things to look forward to even within our own homes right now.

What if...

My mother sends out a weekly email to her art class full of her musings and insights. Last week she had this section, and I thought it was a great one to muse on and see if it can help you with your perspective during this time.

What if during this pause and social distancing........

people drew closer together because they had time to reconnect?

we heard, and got in touch with, family and friends we haven't talked to in years?

we reawakened snail mail by writing notes and letters to others to lift their spirits?

those who have been abused get the courage to get out.

those who were hanging on by a thread because of health concerns were finally released to see the Glory of God?

unhappy workers find new work they actually enjoy?

parents spend time with their children...not just quality but quantity?

office workers find they can actually work as well from a home office, saving the company money and themselves money?

new ideas of how to earn a living came from the necessity to be creative?

people celebrate the end of this confinement by increasing the volume of business in retail stores, restaurants, movie theaters, entertainment venues, that the increased revenue propels those businesses to see greater success than they have had in ages?

people continue to acknowledge the value of our service employees and treat them with the respect and kindness due them?

neighbors reach out to neighbors that bonds communities together like the days of Andy Griffith?

we continue to play games, laugh at ourselves, take walks and drives in the country, work puzzles, watch movies together cuddled up on the living room sofa in our jammies?

prepare more meals at home with the family gathered around the table?

decided that schooling our kids at home is a pretty cool option?

wars were put aside due to shared experiences of the pandemic?

people became more cautious about washing hands and not spreading germs of any kind?

women found out make-up is optional....and are ok with it?

So what are you doing? What are you adding in your life right now that is more about intention and connection?

How have you incorporated educational opportunities in what you are already doing at home?

Are you including your children in some of your day-to-day routines, to-dos, etc?

Are you creating some fun “out of the norm” events, like a date night for you and your spouse where you stay in for a fancy black tie dinner after kids go to bed?

How about playing “restaurant” with your children, and letting them experience playing all the different roles – chef, waiter, bussing tables, consumer…

Pin for Later:

What is this life you’re living?

How are you moving forward while even on pause?

Maybe now is the time to really look at your work, and determine how it will play into your life. Not having it as the main driver, but shifting your focus to the overall life you want to thrive in, and how your work can support that vs. be the main focus.

Extreme upheaval can also be some of the most growth-inducing moments of your life.

If you and your partner are opposites, recognize what each needs to keep your sanity and to stay balanced.

Your Weekly Challenge

Pay attention to what is working well for you right now. What are you going to hold onto, even if everything opens back up in the world? What have you added that feeds your soul through this time, that now is a priority to keep in your life?

Dream together.

Plan together, even if it’s something small. 

Start to build your story for the future with your family. Celebrating how the uniqueness in each of us strengthens all of us.

Nathan and Ashley Logsdon

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About the author, Ashley Logsdon


Ashley Logsdon is a Family and Personality Styles Coach and Lifelong Learner. She and her husband Nathan are RVing the States and unschooling their 3 girls. Her mission is to shift the mindsets of families from reaction to intention, and guide them in creating the family they love coming home to. Looking deeper than the surface, we assess the strengths, triggers, and simplifying your lifestyle so you truly recognize how the uniqueness in each of us strengthens all of us.

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