It’s the week of gratitude, so it’s all about the feel-goods, right? Well this week we’ll have you join us in a little Logsdon Family ‘Campfire Chat” to just share some stories of gratitude and craziness we’ve had along our 3 year RVing adventures!
Join us for a "Virtual Campfire" with the whole family!
Listen to this episode on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Play, TuneIn, YouTube, iHeartRadio or your RSS Feed *Now also on the Pandora app and!
Thanksgiving Gratitude
With this being Thanksgiving week, it's of course the time we all focus on "thanksgiving gratitude" and reflecting on all those things we're grateful for.
Our life isn't perfect by any means - no one's is! However, I'll say, that gratitude isn't something just reserved for a specified "thanksgiving gratitude" week.
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When Things Went Well...
So many awesome experiences we've had on our travels, all documented on our Field Trip Gypsies Instagram feed. But here are some highlights we've gathered and talk about in this podcast episode!

The Whale Story
This was pretty epic - we set sail out of Plymouth Rock on an absolutely incredible whale tour! Even the captain kept saying how it was a "once in a lifetime" experience.
The water was like glass, and we immediately went out and saw two humpback whales and their calves.

Then went out to where there was a dead Minke whale - the sharks had all gathered around for a feeding frenzy. 16 foot great whites and blue was so crazy to watch!!
Want More Stories? Dig Deeper...
Some additional resources for you
- Money, marriage and mountain lions (episode 58)
- When Adventures Go Awry (Episode 51)
- Serendipity, Unhurried Spaciousness, and Lots of Hot Air (Episode 115)
- 3 Steps to Create Community You Crave (Episode 87)
- But What About Socialization for My Family on the Road? (Episode 75)
- Family Dreams – Seek Adventure Together! (Episode 48)
- Family Road Trip and More – No Excuses (Episode 38)
- Our Travel Story (Episode 001)
- Travel Lessons Learned (Episode 103)
- Income Ideas for Nomad Families (Episode 78)
- 48 States! And, Some Very Special Guests (Episode 69)
Hot air Balloons
Another incredible event was when we went to the Fulltime Families rally that coincided with the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta. Not only did we crew hot air balloons, but I even got to go up in one!

Sand Dunes
We've seen some incredible dunes, like Great Sand Dunes National Park in Colorado and Monahans Sandhills in Texas. But nothing is quite like White Sands National Monument in New Mexico!

When Things didn't Go So Well...
It's not always peachy, but that doesn't mean we don't find things to be grateful for. We've had many mishaps on the road, and did a whole podcast episode about it, breaking it down to this:
- Download – “here’s what we know”
- Assign – “what are our options”
- Reflect – “what am I grateful for?”

Finding gratitude even in the challenges allows for growth and grace...
and a happiness you have to experience to cherish
Even through illness and cramped quarters, crappy weather and breakdowns, it's been a magical ride.

Functional Education
Along it all, through good and bad, we've fostered a serious growth mindset by asking ourselves "what are we grateful for?"
We've had some incredible adventures, like visiting Dropbox:

The Freedom Trail
It was amazing to walk through history with our girls all across the country. The Freedom Trail really stood out to me as I we did a walking tour and got lost in the story.

Saw Whet Owls
And in Harrisonburg, Virginia, we had the opportunity to work with an ornithologist to catch and band saw whet owls on their migration south from Canada. They are incredibly docile and we got to hold them and learn all about them!

City Museum
Of course we've referenced City Museum multiple times on the podcast - we're definitely fans! Like Clara says in the podcast, it's like a junkyard and an architect got together and created a playground.

You have an impact. Everywhere you go, you have an impact. Emotionally, energetically, you have more power than you may give yourself credit for.
I am passionate that each of us has our own unique strengths that are important to share. You are powerful beyond measure. You make an impact. And so does everyone else in your family. The more you can understand that, know how to interconnect, and have grace, the more your family will thrive. Because ultimately, the uniqueness in each of us strengthens all of us.

Questions or comments?
Personality styles, marriage/intimacy, parenting, education, minimalism or travel - what is pressing on your mind?
Or, hop on over to the Mama Says Namaste or Unschooling Families FB groups and ask your question there!
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