by Ashley Logsdon

Mama Says Namaste Podcast Highlights Part 2 (Episode 232)

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  • Mama Says Namaste Podcast Highlights Part 2 (Episode 232)

Last week we started our Mama Says Namaste Podcast highlights with the bottom five of our top ten episodes of all time. Here we cover the top five, and our take now, looking back. 

We're brewing up some great ideas for the new year, and a biggie is that we want to hear from you! You'll hear sweet Jules share her own words on the podcast this week, and I highly recommend you do the survey for her beautiful gift to you. It touched my heart and I believe it will touch yours as well! 

Listen to this episode on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, TuneIn, YouTube, iHeartRadio or your RSS Feed

A lot has changed since we started this podcast back in May 26, 2017. And it's pretty amazing to look back and see how our perspectives have not fully shifted, but grown as we've gained new insights ourselves. 

And...Jules throws in some fun promo clips about the survey that I think are pretty cute. 🙂 

So listen to this week's podcast, and then, if you want to go even deeper, go back to any of these past episodes and let us know your thoughts!

Minimalist Family, Clutter Loving Friends (Episode 60)

In this episode, we share our top three things you have to do in order to get clear on what you want to clean out. 

  • First, know your family vision. If you aren't clear on what is important to everyone in the home, and what you want it to feel like, it's pretty hard to identify what needs to stay and what needs to go. 
  • Second, know your personality style...and that of those under your roof. If you're desperately seeking order and quiet and you live amidst a family that thrives on noise and chaos, you have to learn each other's strengths and learn how to create synergy, where the uniqueness in each of us strengthens all of us.  
  • Third, minimalism isn't just about having a clear countertop - it's truly about looking at what you carry in both your head and your heart (as well as your home). It's a full mindset shift - just like losing weight vs. dieting. 

In the episode and blog post, we talk about sorting and separating into four quadrants - trash, giveaway, keepsake, and put back as the first step to getting your sanity back in your house. Lots of opportunities for creativity, as your giveaways may go to donations for a worthy cause, regifting for others, or a way to make some cash. Putting back can be a whole new experience of "shopping" with your favorite things and finding better places to position them so you utilize and appreciate them in your home. 

We share 8 creative gift-giving opportunities that help the clutter overload, and how to navigate hurt feelings for those gift-givers who are well-meaning, but aren't truly seeing what is a real gift to you. Note on that one - clear and open communication is absolutely key. 



This episode was recorded and came out on November 4th, 2020...definitely a time for anxiety in our country.

Think about learning a new language - it's not just the words - you have to understand the grammar, the slang, the culture, the environment...there are so many inticracies to the process. The path to self-awareness is a lifelong journey with new levels of language in each awakening moment. The end of the journey in this world is death, so what language is getting you into the present moment? Is it time to learn a new way to speak and think for yourself?

In this episode, I take you on a deep breathing exercise. Clearly these times when. I share meditations and deep breathing, they connect with people, as I shared about my 15 minute "breathe" meditation as my 7th top downloaded audio!

Speaking of meditating and focusing on your breath, that survey is so helpful for me to learn about you, and our thank you is a beautiful guided meditation by my 9-year-old daughter, Juliette.

So as we focused on anxiety in this episode, we looked at what to let go of, and what is truly important to you. What is your truth? What are your core values? I share mine in this episode.

What is this “Mama Says Namaste” Stuff? (Founding Episode for the Mama Says Namaste Podcast)

May 26, 2017. Technically that was my start date, although my official launch and promotion was on June 2, 2017. Why then, because that's my birthday, and when I also launched my Mama Says Namaste business back on June 2nd, 2015. 

My mission then - and still is today - is: to help families write their story with intention, creating awareness, grace and connection where each individual thrives.

I share on this one about unschooling, our pivotal tenth anniversary trip, my role in my father's business that launched my own, and the first two adventures - of Costa Rica and RVing.

family connections, personality snapshots, family vision

Oh how I've changed from this picture - I remember it well - October 2014, way before I could ever imagine I'd have my own podcast or not be living in Nashville, TN!


Both of these episodes were hot topic items that still tends to be one of the key things people search for support on. 

In the first episode, we talked about setting boundaries. It's important to recognize that we all can exhibit toxic behavior. It's not really that there is a truly toxic person. Remember, I believe at the core we all have a beautiful connection of humanity here. So not only is it okay to set boundaries around toxic behavior, it's critical to your own well-being. Just like toxic fumes will suffocate out a plant in a closed space, if we don't have room to breathe in good, clean energy, we'll get smothered as well. 

Setting boundaries and finding the right support can help you navigate toxic behavior without living in a bubble. You'll hear about four tips for navigating toxic people on episode 57


In the followup episode, we address -

  • teasing
  • toxic behavior vs. person
  • defining what you won't accept
  • how to redirect the conversation
  • finding accountability
  • creating a plan a plan
  • having a mantra of forgiveness
  • managing your energy


And finally, our top most listened to episode of all time is this one on the difference between feeling good and true fulfillment. 

We talked about dealing with disappointment, and how to distinguish between these two different feelings. I shared in this episode an interview with two people I follow and respect, Marie Forleo and Seth Godin. They discussed finding meaning in your life by looking at your mindset, visualization, and learning new languages. 

We looked at four key steps for fulfillment, shining light on what is in your control, letting go of the outcome, and looking within - lots of meat in this one!

And finally, you've heard about this new meditation with Jules, and we're so eager to share it with you! Simply click on the picture below to take the survey and access her 12 minute meditation. 

Click this link to take our survey and access this incredible 12 minute meditation by Jules!

Your Weekly Challenge:

We are grateful for all of you, for those who listen to the podcast, read the blog post, comment in the Unschooling Families facebook group, get involved in the 48 Days Eagles community, and more. 

I love hearing from you and connecting both online and in person, and I'm glad you are a part of this Mama Says Namaste journey.

Let's make 2022 a beautiful year, intentionally writing the stories we want to create, and focusing on the gratitude that seems to make abundance spread in our lives. 

And along the way, as we learn the languages for understanding differences and having grace for humanity, we all can celebrate how the uniqueness in each of us strengthens all of us. Namaste.

Nathan and Ashley Logsdon

Questions or comments?

Ready to create a life you don't want to escape from?

From personality styles, marriage/intimacy, parenting, education, entrepreneurship, minimalism, travel, and more...we cover it.

What is pressing on your mind? Reach out and ask or comment - we may cover it on an upcoming podcast as well as respond by email.

About the author, Ashley Logsdon


Ashley Logsdon is a Family and Personality Styles Coach and Lifelong Learner. She and her husband Nathan are RVing the States and unschooling their 3 girls. Her mission is to shift the mindsets of families from reaction to intention, and guide them in creating the family they love coming home to. Looking deeper than the surface, we assess the strengths, triggers, and simplifying your lifestyle so you truly recognize how the uniqueness in each of us strengthens all of us.

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