Remember your why. Our “why” goes beyond “one day” and desire for travel. It’s about being an intentional family. As we tackle the question “what prompted you to take the leap”, we go beyond family travel to sharing our journey of how we got to now - how the path of intention started by simply having the desire to know ourselves - and each other - fully.
"Taking the leap" isn't just a blind plunge into an abyss.
It started with an intentional family.
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What caused you to take the leap?
As we started to unpack this, we realized...not everyone has listened to all seventy episodes. Sometimes we assume people know our story, when they may just be popping in for the first time.
So this week we go back to what Mama Says Namaste is all about, digging into the six key areas that make up our intentional family. Oh so conveniently enough, the first three are the "why" behind it, and the second three are the "how" we made it happen. So this is part one...remember your why.
We've arrived to Bend Oregon, and although we love the PNW, the cold is definitely getting to us!
It's been frustrating the past few weeks trying to find great internet and sunshine, but our faith in the PNW is not lost...we'll just come back with a better internet gameplan and in July!
Follow us on our journey on Insta as the FieldTripGypsies!
Personality Styles
Part of the point of communication is to be able to grab another’s attention - to be able to communicate your perspective. Understanding personality styles is so powerful in making that happen.
When you know how the other person best receives input is so important. It allows for grace, understanding, and deeper connection. Grab another’s attention in a way they respond to best - that’s how you can get them to listen.
Keep the conversation going!
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Marriage & Intimacy
Asking “what is your goal” was such a significant shift for our relationship. It spoke to my personality style and my desire for the end-result, and it helped me to put into perspective what my goal was with my fast rebuttals. Understanding the personality styles validates your awareness - it helps you to understand and communicate with a deeper awareness as to how/why the other responds in this way
Yes, we even have a personality test for kids, and it’s amazing how understanding what motivates them helps with some of the struggles you may have as parents in figuring out your role, as well as your children as they are learning, and figuring out who they are as they develop!
What is Coaching?
It is more than hashing out and processing the past. It’s about moving forward. When I work with families, we start with their dreams for the family - what their expectations and desires are, and how that’s lining up with where they are now. We look at who each person is as an individual, and then how it all relates together. Then we start to create a step-by-step game-plan to get you where you want to be as a connected, intentional family.
Sometimes having that outside validation and affirmation, that accountability and mediation from an unbiased party that’s not in the thick of it - that can be what’s needed to get you out of a rut, and/or see things in a new light.
It’s not always a huge undertaking. Yet don’t underestimate those tiny “ah-ha” moments that may make an incredible shift to move you toward the family connection you really desire.
We invest in entertainment for our family - we go out to eat, go to the movies, etc. And we can easily spend $200+ just for one night of fun. Yet for well under that, you can get a snapshot that goes deeper than the surface and gain insights to make the time you spend with your family even more enjoyable.
See an example of a family portrait session with Project Trek
Remember your WHY
See each other as who you are, and also, who you want to be. Going back to your why is so important. What is your family vision? What do you really want your family to look like? We have these expectations we dream about in our heads, and we assume our loved ones know that. Yet if we don’t share it, it just sets the stage for resentment.
So in order to answer the question, “what made you take the plunge into full time travel?” We have to go back to our why and the catalyst for it all. It was through learning about our personality styles, desiring deep connection in our relationship, and wanting to be present with our children were the catalysts to get us started. And this foundation was critical to send us down the path of action - minimalism, alternative education, and how to seek adventure together.
It doesn't have to be an insurmountable mountain. It all starts with one step.
If your focus with your partner is to make them feel loved, and your partner does the same, it can be a beautiful situation. Don’t be a jerk.
Set a foundation of love and support for your family. Keep working on your family vision, and remember your “why”.
An Important Message for you
It can be tough to pursue your dream when others in your life don't believe.
I know what it's like to try to start a side business or pursue a big project only to be met by criticism by those around you.
Sometimes the ones who love us the most can be the most critical of our ideas.
So what do you do to pursue your dream even without support from others?
Check out this free webinar on Tuesday, September 18th at 7 PM CT. My dad, Dan Miller, will be sharing how you can hold fast to your dream when others don't believe. He'll also be sharing more about the 48 Days Eagles Community and how you can be a part of it.
The more we recognize those personality styles and those strengths and what triggers us, the more we can come back to how the uniqueness in each of us strengthens all of us.
Questions or comments?
Personality styles, marriage/intimacy, parenting, education, minimalism or travel - what is pressing on your mind?
Or, hop on over to the Mama Says Namaste or Unschooling Families FB groups and ask your question there!