Learning happens in a variety of ways. And in our unschooling style, it can show up in so many aspects! That being said, it isn't just the children being educated.
In this episode, we talk about our family visit to The Humanist Academy, raising life-long learners, and the growth mindset that keeps us on our toes.
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Where are you in your life? What is inspiring you? The turn of events that happened for us this weekend was a direct result of a listener like you reaching out to us! Look to the right and you'll see a place to leave an audio message for us, or contact us through the many ways at the bottom of this post!
And wherever you listen to this podcast, be sure to subscribe/rate/review - it means a lot to us!
We spoke at the Humanist Academy in Dallas, Texas, and got an amazing tour of their school!
On top of that, we hit the Perot Museum and WHOA is there some awesome stuff in there.
Follow us on our journey on Insta as the FieldTripGypsies!
The Humanist Academy
I am a huge fan of Acton Academy and what all they stand for. If you aren't familiar with this brilliant school, check this out - it's 15 minute well worth watching:
The Humanist Academy is an Acton Affiliate school, and we had such a great time meeting them and experiencing what a day is like there. It was our first time to actually step foot in one of these schools, and were were so impressed with the pride the students had in their ownership of it, from cleaning the bathroom and kitchen to buying and decorating their classrooms, to establishing the guidelines and code of conduct!
I love how even in the video it explains that their "teachers" - called "guides", are simply guardrails - not the roadmap - to learning.
The Socratic Method is amazing! Quick definition of this:
The Socratic method... is a form of cooperative argumentative dialogue between individuals, based on asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to draw out ideas and underlying presuppositions.
Tips to keep in mind when asking questions:
- Ask hard choice/decision/prioritization questions.
- Listen intently and follow up student answers with questions like “Why?” “What do you mean by x?” “How is A different than B?” and “Who agrees?” or “Who disagrees?”
- (Take votes.) If possible, up the stakes to make the decision more difficult.
- Move to a different key question just before energy begins to wane.
Some amazing examples:
Keep the conversation going!
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Explore other people's passions
Explore people's passions. Ask them "what lights you up?" "What do you get excited about?" It's amazing how much people will open up and share with you their world and their excitement.
Be willing to see the world as your teacher and everywhere as your school.
Your Weekly Challenge:
Reach for the sun with your children. Explore something new together, or invite them into something you are seeking to learn yourself - my daughter quickly surpassed me in learning how to edit in iMovie!
Look at the strengths of another and get a peek into what they're passionate about!
The more we recognize those personality styles and those strengths and what triggers us, the more we can come back to how the uniqueness in each of us strengthens all of us.
Questions or comments?
Personality styles, marriage/intimacy, parenting, education, minimalism or travel - what is pressing on your mind?
Or, hop on over to the Mama Says Namaste or Unschooling Families FB groups and ask your question there!
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