by Ashley Logsdon

Eco-Friendly Gifting: Match Sustainable Gifts with DISC Personality Styles (Episode 331)

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  • Eco-Friendly Gifting: Match Sustainable Gifts with DISC Personality Styles (Episode 331)

If you're stumped on what to get your loved ones as gifts, this is the episode for you. Not only do we give you gift ideas for every personality style, I've gone back and updated a gift guide I had with even more great ideas for you! Yes, every year I go back and assess here. The list could be SO LONG on what all to add, however, I try to just add the tweaks that are based on my new insights. 

This year, we've paid a lot of attention to the impact on our world, and have sought to look for more sustainable and environmentally-friendly options, so I asked AI to help with some sustainable ideas for each personality style below, along with my updates. 

In this episode, we discuss gift-giving and how to really do those "gifts from the heart"

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Ah, the Holidays

Ah, the holidays - a time to connect with friends and family, spend a ton of money, stress about gifts, and get a bunch of STUFF you don’t need. 

Or maybe not! In this episode, we’re going to share our top tips for gift-giving that means more than a dollar store trinket, and even help you figure out unique things based on personality style!

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minimalist gifts

Of all times, it's clear in 2023 that our world is struggling on so many levels. Our environmental impact is looking bleak, and our world is getting to be more and more of a war zone. When it comes to giving gifts, the old days of insane "black Friday" shopping has really faded. 

I'm grateful more people are recognizing that the newest tech gadget or shoe isn't the legacy and impact you want to leave in the world. And if you're reading this, I know you want something better for your family. Maybe this is the year you make it memorable by inspiring others with gifts that give back - gifts that help our environment, that support small businesses, and that make lasting memories beyond a dust-collector. 

Navigating Holiday Gift-Giving

Your Random Dose of Cuteness

Why am I sharing this? This was something that was fun for the girls to create and made a lasting memory in so many ways - them learning about their grandparents' lives and creating a piece that the whole family has really enjoyed. This one was from a while back (clearly, as my oldest is 16 now), however, it shows a beautiful example of a gift that continues to be a fun and lasting memory. We've enjoyed going back and watching this over the years. 

This is just one of the many videos the girls have created as a gift for family members. They write, act, edit, create all the music...and it's a priceless gift that is super personalized and they love them! Here are two more fun ideas for you - Romeo and Juliet with a Logsdon Twist, and a cover of Johnny Cash's "I Walk The Line." 

Their uncle is a pro at writing custom songs for the girls for their birthdays. They returned the favor by creating funny music videos for him for his. If you want to get techy, maybe instead of buying something, you create it! 

Giving the Gift that Speaks to THEM

Oftentimes we're coming from our own perspective versus what may truly speak to the receiver. Just because you may love a huge surprise party doesn't mean everyone has the same reaction. One person may absolutely love the thought of getting cozy socks, where to another, it could feel like you just didn't care. 

Knowing the styles of the people you're giving to can really help in bringing something meaningful into their lives. 

Here are quick break-downs of the different styles:

  • D - Driven, visionary, results-oriented - Think EAGLE
  • I - Inspiring, outgoing, life-of-the-party - Think PARROT
  • S - Steady, loyal, great listener - Think DOVE
  • C - Compliant, logical, systematic - Think OWL

When you consider the animals, it helps to convey a good picture of the style. The eagle is laser-focused and fast-paced, getting to the bottom line and often leading the way. The parrot is colorful in all kinds of ways and loves to entertain and tell stories. The dove is a peacemaker and strives for calm and comfort. And the owl looks for the facts and zones in on the details. I've gotten a lot of insight into easy ways to discuss personality styles due to this amazing (and easy-to-read, family-friendly) book.  (If you want to hear more from us on this, we have a full review of the book here). 

C-Wired Personality Styles

For an owl (C), you want to look for more informational and detailed gifts. 

Support their hobbies/desires and get items that allow them to research and go deep into learning. 

For something to do, go to an escape room - they are cropping up all over, and you want a high C in those rooms to see the details and help solve the mystery!

Detailed projects, like model cars and planes, paint by number…

Look at memberships to educational facilities, like zoos, science centers, museums, etc. 

If they are outdoorsy, look for multi-function practical items, like a Leatherman.

This has been a year we've really focused on our environmental impact, and, for your C-wired family members, it may be the details about our climate are pretty overwhelming. There are so many great environmentally conscious options out there. 

Maybe you start with some well-researched books on sustainability and environmental conservation, like the Carbon Almanac

I love shopping at EarthHero, an awesome website where you can get many essentials and see exactly what the environmental impact of it is from creation to end of life. 

On that note, think of something like a zero-waste starter kit. Add in practical things, like a reusable shopping bag (we got bags from my brother- and sister-in-law one year and we love them - use them every time we shop now). Maybe you get them a kit with stainless steel straws or beeswax wraps.

I've found sometimes people get into the same routines with what they use, and it can be a leap to get started with eco-conscious practical items. Giving someone a kick-start with an environmentally conscious laundry, bath or kitchen set can create a whole shift in how they approach things. 

Creativity CLARAfied

Here is our "Owl" daughter, who is 16 years old and blows me away with the intricate detail she adds to her artwork...and she has all kinds! 

From feathers to jewelry to watercolor to amigurumi and crochet, she has quite a variety to delight all kinds!

S-Wired personality Style

For those dove (S) personality styles, you want to look at things that are more relational and comfort-focused.

Get them a gift basket of comfort - with cozy blankets, candles, and slippers. What cool little self-care kids can you find? I've gotten some great little gift baskets from Servv International, a non-profit that promotes fair-trade, handmade, and small businesses.

Pamper them - give THEM a service, like a massage or a spa date. They are often taking care of others and don't always think about something "luxurious" for themselves. 

Do something for them - services like house cleaning or a fancy meal of all their favorite comfort food. Maybe you help them with a garden or foster their green thumb (I know I love getting plants)!

Or buy them something that will bring them joy...while also giving back. Check out the Greater Good Store, where millions are given to charities all over the world.

I-Wired Style

Parrot (I) styles want to have fun! They want to be entertained. So on that note, what experiential gifts could you give them? What cultural experiences can you open them up to? Get creative - with the help of AI, you can curate a whole adventure in your hometown.

Try putting in your interests in AI and a theme for an evening and see what ideas you could get. Maybe you spend the evening Spanish-style, with a cooking class making a dish and a lesson in flamenco dancing. Want to make it even crazier? Maybe you're only allowed to speak in Spanish for the night to practice another language.

Or how about a Swiftie-themed date for your little fan, hitting the movie and doing a few things that Taylor would do? I'm learning all the advantages of AI to spark ideas - especially for things to do! 

Classes - for I styles, strangers are just friends they haven't met yet! So going to a new class - dance, pottery, fitness, cooking...a way to socialize and meet new people is a plus. 

I know my I-wired kiddo loves fashion - we've spent a lot of time looking for ethical fashion pieces - ones that fit our style and don't break the bank. And wow, to wear clothes where you can tell a story...sounds right up a Parrot's alley! When we're looking at sustainable clothing, we look at three areas:

  1. What materials are used, and how do they impact the environment?
  2. How are the workers treated - is it a company that cares about the people that work there?
  3. What is the overall impact of the clothing - is it fast fashion that fills up our landfills, or something made well with respect for its environmental impact every step of the way? 

Check out some eco-friendly clothing options herehere for kids (that is actually modest) or head straight over to Patagonia to give back to the planet.

And look at the accessories! Bling for body, car, home, and more. My mother loves to accessorize - jewelry, scarves, hats, a cool piece of art, etc. Again, Servv and The Greater Good are great places to look for bling. 

D-Wired Style

For an Eagle (D), it's all about the end result, so things that support their goals and big visions are great.

Getting them a watch or pedometer helps them track and see what they have accomplished. Thinking about the outdoors, they may love the thrill of a hike or a challenging camping adventure. Look for what reusable options may help them, like a reusable water canteen or solar-powered charger. 

Giving them a challenge, like a high ropes course package, sports car driving, or a scavenger hunt can be fun.

Memberships to a gym or climbing gym are great as well.

Look at a whiteboard - for big ideas- a "get it done" board

You want to identify things that support the tasks they want to complete - what are their goals/passions? Get something to support that. 

Maybe they are super entrepreneurial by nature, and get what they want whenever they want to get it. Try giving a loan in their name to Kiva, with crowdfunded micro-loans that change lives across the globe. 

For all of these, another option is to gift them a gift certificate for right here at Mama Says Namaste - good for:

Your Weekly Challenge:

Now, our challenge for you this week: don’t just dread gift-giving.

Look at this as an opportunity to delight someone you love, and really seek to find something that fits their personality style.

Not only that, think about the long-lasting impact - for the receiver, and for our planet.  

This isn’t always something that can fit into a box. The biggest gift you can give someone is making them feel like you see them, love them, and truly hear them. 

So recognize and honor their strengths, and remember, the uniqueness in each of us strengthens all of us.  


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Feeling Stuck?

Personality styles, marriage/intimacy, parenting, education, minimalism or travel - what is pressing on your mind?

I'm here for you. From free resources to full on 1-1 coaching for your unique situation, you aren't alone. 

You invest in toys, date nights or Disney. When was the last time you invested in something to get intentional with your family connection?

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About the author, Ashley Logsdon


Ashley Logsdon is a Family and Personality Styles Coach and Lifelong Learner. She and her husband Nathan are RVing the States and unschooling their 3 girls. Her mission is to shift the mindsets of families from reaction to intention, and guide them in creating the family they love coming home to. Looking deeper than the surface, we assess the strengths, triggers, and simplifying your lifestyle so you truly recognize how the uniqueness in each of us strengthens all of us.

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