by Ashley Logsdon

31 of the Ultimate Must-Have Gift Ideas for Personality Types

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  • 31 of the Ultimate Must-Have Gift Ideas for Personality Types

Tis the season for giving

Ah, gift-giving - that thing that delights some and fills others with dread. What do you buy the person who has everything? What do you get when money is tight? And what in the world do you get for those crazy minimalist travelers?

What I've found is that it really helps to understand their personality style. There are four types of people - and the more you understand what motivates them, the more you can hone in on that perfect gift for each.

Here are some suggestions for everyone on your list. Instead of the cliche "something you want, something you need, something to wear, and something to read," I narrow it down to the splurges we don't always buy on our own but can appreciate as gifts.

Books, games, kitchen items, and minimalist options seem to cover most people, and I've thrown in some bonus items for each as well. 

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Gifts With Great Impact

As we've shifted more and more into recognizing our impact with the things we buy and hold onto, we're moving to purchasing specifically from companies we believe in that are making an effort to lessen our negative impact and create more positive change for sustainability.

Here are some we recommend checking out:

  • Earth Hero - committed to the planet, you can shop by values and see the impact of the product from inception to end life. 
  • The Greater Good Stores - Millions given to charity - shop to fund people, pets and planet. 
  • Askinosie Chocolate - not just fair trade; a true education on the whole process from bean to bar. 
  • Uncommon Goods - independent makers where every purchase donates back to non-profits you can select at checkout.
  • Kiva - Crowdfunded microloans that change lives. 
  • CottonOn.Com - "Making a positive difference is at the heart of all we do."
  • Servv International - supporting over 8,000 farmers and artisans in their small businesses building sustainable and hand-crafted items.

*this post contains affiliate links. Bottom line, if it's not something I believe in, I don't promote it. If it IS, then it's no extra charge for you to click on an affiliate link, and I get a little bonus. For more info, please read our disclaimer

Gifts for Every Personality Style

  • High D Style
  • High I Style
  • High S Style
  • High C Style

The Conscientious Critic

C-wired styles have got the details covered. They do their research and may be very clear on exactly what they want. Quality is key - if you’re looking for something cheap to just check this person off the list, they’ll know it. It’s not about spending the most; but a C-wired person will appreciate if you’ve put some thought and research into something that is quality and a good fit for them. 

To read

Giraffes Can't Dance

For the youngest kiddo, this sweet book has beautiful illustrations and highlights how it’s okay to not do something the “right” way, but to look for what best suits you! For C-wired people, sometimes they can get lost in perfection to the point of not being able to appreciate what is - and this book really highlights the beauty of individuality and embracing your own song, even if its a different tune than the others. Learn more...

The Courage to Grow

This was written by the creator of Acton Academy and is a powerful book that introduces the concepts surrounding the Acton model...which I believe is essentially organized unschooling through a school. It's an excellent read to explore the Socratic method, how to be your child's "guide", and look at what educational options you may have. For C-wired people, there is a tendency to simply look at how things were done in the past. This book introduces a whole new perspective on raising life-long learners, and is a great introduction to there being another way. Learn more...

In The Kitchen

Stovetop Espresso Coffee Maker

Speaking of perfection, for that perfect cuppa joe in the morning, we love our little stovetop espresso maker and milk frother! It’s super simple and isn’t just pressing a button. It’s a process that is a part of our night and morning routine. At night we prep - getting the espresso all ready to go. And in the morning, we light up the gas stove and listen for that sputtering of the espresso bubbling up the top and that smell of the perfect roast filling the air.

For our vegan twist, we heat up some almond milk with a dash of maple syrup in it, froth that and enjoy a beautiful cappuccino for a touch of fancy to start out our day. Throw these in a gift basket with a cool mug and coffee and you have a rockstar gift with thoughtfulness and quality. 

For the Minimalist 

Norwex EnviroCloth

I love the Norwex Envirocloth. Yes, I’ve been to the Norwex parties and I’ve seen the schpeal. And quite honestly, it’s incredible! Think Magic Eraser that doesn’t crumble away, and the ultimate stain getter-outer. And if you’re a germaphobe, here is an antibacterial wiping cloth that uses no toxic chemicals, yet wipes out e-coli and other bacteria with just a wipe! Yes, it’s crazy. Check out this clip from "Andy, Will This Work" on the news showing how these cloths reduced bacteria on counters by 92% with no chemicals whatsoever - just water! Learn more...

Family Fun


This is an absolutely gorgeous game. If you have any avid birders in your home or just want to learn more about them, this is a great gift. 

The game has a lot of moving parts and ways to score points, and you also learn the Latin names, range, where they nest, what they eat, and a fun fact. We love playing this game and looking at all the different ways points add up. Learn more...

Bonus Gift ideas


These are such a great gift! Unlike legos, they don’t hurt when you step on them. 😉 And, since they are somewhat see-through, our kids have loved creating boxes and such to hide things in, and to stick battery operated candles in them for lanterns and night-lights. This is one of those family toys that everyone can enjoy playing with, even the youngest - without any choking hazards like you risk with legos. Learn more...

Berkey Water Filter

And also on that note - for hands down the best quality water you’ve ever tasted, you have got to check out a Berkey water filter. They claim you can put water that is dyed red into this and it will filter out the color for pristine water. With four filters (two carbon, two ceramic), this has been so worth the investment for our family. When we calculated the time spent getting 5 gallon jugs of water and lugging them around, or the risk of drinking the water in some of these rural or congested areas as we’ve traveled across the country, this was a splurge we decided was necessary. We haven’t looked back since - we no longer worry about water quality and are confident that the sketchy stuff is filtered out and clear, quality water is what we get. Learn more...

This is, of course, just the tip of the iceburg, and I can go crazy with creative ideas for homemade gifts, events and acts of service. But when it comes to all your Amazon shopping, this can get you started.

What are your favorite gifts you can see fitting a specific personality style?

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About the author, Ashley Logsdon


Ashley Logsdon is a Family and Personality Styles Coach and Lifelong Learner. She and her husband Nathan are RVing the States and unschooling their 3 girls. Her mission is to shift the mindsets of families from reaction to intention, and guide them in creating the family they love coming home to. Looking deeper than the surface, we assess the strengths, triggers, and simplifying your lifestyle so you truly recognize how the uniqueness in each of us strengthens all of us.

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