"But what about socialization? How will you meet all requirements? How will they get into college?" If you homeschool in any variation, you've most likely heard these questions. Here is the podcast episode full of homeschooling rebuttals to make anyone question the past and look for the future.
In this episode, we highlight the wisdom of Seth Godin and the ultimate in
Homeschooling Rebuttals
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What is Functional Education?
Before we start with any homeschooling rebuttals, first, we need to lay out, again, what "Functional Education" really is.
Functional education is to learning, what functional medicine is to health. It's that "mind/body/soul" approach to learning that goes beyond the confines of the classroom, testing, or grade levels. It's a lifelong approach to learning that integrates all of life, not compartmentalizing it, but embracing everything as a teachable moment.
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Where are we this week?
Just landed in Challis, ID for Nathan to take in some more mountain biking trails! We've so enjoyed the Tetons and are now exploring the Sawtooth mountains before we head back down to Yellowstone.
Follow us on our journey on Insta as the FieldTripGypsies!
Feedback from Mamas
I crowdsourced in the Unschooling Families Facebook group and had some great responses:
- That is such a huge question not just because I’m a mom but a teacher by profession too. I love the idea that the world is our school and everyone our teachers. Not just for school age kids, but for everyone. I think that kids learn most and best from life. I think all children deserve to have as many experience as possible. As a public school teacher in a large urban district I know that MANY children don’t have that opportunity. Many children never go farther then 50 Miles from home and their life experiences are limited. I try and find ways to give students as many opportunities as I can while still working within school budgets and academic expectations. I don’t think school should be just books and lessons, and tests; however that seems to be what the government wants more and more of (not trying to start a political debate. Just my opinion as a teacher). As a mom I want to give my children life experiences AND I have to rely on my kids teachers to teach them what they need to be a well rounded humans.
I think that parents have to find what kind of “school” works best for them and their children. Public, private, charter, home or unschool. - Applied or functional education probably describes us best. We use life every day to teach our children. Everything thing from baking to bowling, mechanics to quantum mechanics. Factual science to metaphysical. We take time to make everything a learning experience. What I love most about it is both kids pick up something different out of each lesson. Taking bowling for instance our oldest really begun to grasp subtraction when we went bowling where as our youngest was more interested in the mechanics of the bowling alley and the mass momentum and trajectory of the ball etc.
Its not every day you meet a 4 yr old who can tell you about a dodecahedron or the density of a grape vs an apple.
I just love that they are tailor creating their experiences just based on their interests and I love even more that we have the opportunity to do this for them.
School doesn't have to be an agenda and presentation. Your schooling can be simply engaging in conversation with your kids. Regardless of your home situation - home all the time with your kids or a single parent working two jobs...we ALL have the opportunity to bring "functional education" into our homes.
Here's the episode with Seth where he talks about our educational system. It's golden for your whole family - just 9 minutes:
He starts at 5:14 and goes to 14:57
Are you able to define what "normal" is for your family?
Not in general, but for your family?
Keep the conversation going!
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The value of curiosity and desire...these are things you cannot teach. But you cannot force desire - you can simply provide materials. Strewing is a common practice with unschooling.
If it's worth memorizing, it's worth looking up. We are in an era where we need to know how to weed through content, not just look it up. There is so much information out there - and what we used to think of as correct may change. So learning how to navigate and decipher and being open to continual growth is much more critical than simply having an answer memorized.
Practice, not textbooks, is what makes someone great at their trade. It's not just the book-smarts.
What about your interpersonal relationships - how well do you connect with others? How well do you really know yourself?
We need to open the door on HOW to learn, not WHAT to learn
If you are learning by force and obligation, it's harder for it to stick. When you are internally motivated, you retain so much more - it's personal.
Diving deep with projects and following the fascination has been pretty incredible. As much as we allow screens in our home, we also push for a variety of ways for learning - outdoor play, art, technology, imaginative play, etc.
You are not the "god of information" - your children will explore their own desires. So show them how to explore and navigate and work through the resources vs. simply giving them the information.
We are not concerned with keeping up with "the requirements" any more than we are concerned with "keeping up with the Jones's". Kids will seek out and learn what they need to learn to get where they want to go. We are opening them up to the opportunity, challenging them to grow, but not spoon-feeding them a requirement they most accomplish to be an intelligent adult.
Your Weekly Challenge:
Dive in with your kids - learn from someone or something that isn't typical. If you show your willingness to learn from others, you'll be that example for your children to model. Know your personality styles so you can see where that person is coming from and have grace for who they are.
The more we recognize those personality styles and those strengths and what triggers us, the more we can come back to how the uniqueness in each of us strengthens all of us.
Questions or comments?
Personality styles, marriage/intimacy, parenting, education, minimalism or travel - what is pressing on your mind?
Or, hop on over to the Mama Says Namaste or Unschooling Families FB groups and ask your question there!
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