Climate change is real, and here in full force. We're experiencing the devastation of our actions and what happens when we don't take all aspects of our impact into account. It's not just the instant gratification of what is in our face, but the devastating consequences of decades of consumption without respect for giving back to our land. Like I tell our girls, "every action has a consequence". Unfortunately, sometimes the consequences lie in the hands of future generations as the ripple continues on.
We've recently purchased the Carbon Almanac as our next book to go through together as a family, and we downloaded the free Educator's Guide to pace ourselves and go through it together. We've already learned a lot, switching our search engine to Ecosia and taking in a lot of Ted talks and documentaries, like Kiss The Ground and learning more about the carbon-negative country, Bhutan.
As we're digging into what all is going on around us, we also strive to address what happens IN us as well - the shifts and growth that happen within our own mindset and perspectives.
Internal Climate Change
Just like the unpredictability of our climate, the same "storms" can happen within. And, while we may see it as "unpredictable", it's pretty clear that every action we take has a direct consequence - and whether that's in nature or within our souls, we reap what we sow.
Our moods and perspectives can shift with the seasons, and our family is determined that we address both aspects of where we are - what's going on in our heads and hearts, and how we're impacting our planet.

3 Ps to Internal Climate Change
We've narrowed it down to three Ps we're focused on in our family, as we assess the inner climate of our souls, and how we want to best approach the world. They are:
#1 - Personal Responsibility
Are you taking 100% responsibility for your life and your actions? Are you ever caught in the "why me?" spiral, where it seems like everything is happening TO you? What is the common denominator?
Our girls know they will get no support coming to us like a victim. Any time they are pointing a finger at someone else, our first question to them is, "what did you contribute?"
There is no relief in speculation. Sitting and talking about what others have done and whether it's right or wrong won't get you far. Trying to rewrite the past into how it could have been better isn't going to make it happen. Focusing on what is not working often brings more affirmation on what is broken vs. what you can fix.
Step it up. Own your role. What can you do, personally, to shift what is happening in your life? How are you, personally, showing up? Are you taking ownership and responsibility? Are you noticing the direct consequences to the actions you've taken? Are you able to navigate your own inner "storms" with the grace of understanding it's a part of your own growth, and that every emotion is valid?
#2 - Pride
Are you proud of your actions? Do you have drive and direction for where you want to go, or are you just wandering aimlessly, and reactive to the world around you?
I often ask the girls if they are proud of their work. There is a big difference in someone when they are proud of what they've done versus just scraping by.
I can definitely tell if our daughters have done a thorough job of clean-up based on their willingness to show it off. If they mutter under their breath and move me along, it's clear they aren't proud of what they did, and are hoping I don't catch where things were shoved into the closet.
When you do your best and show up fully to whatever task or conversation you're asked to do, you can have pride in who you are. It's not about being perfect. It's about knowing you're doing the best you can, and standing by your work with complete knowledge of that.

#3 - Purpose
It can be really hard to have much pride if you're simply moving aimlessly through the motions in your life. Do you have any goals and dreams? Have you created a family vision? If your family has no direction, don't be surprised when you keep hitting up against each other in frustration. Driving with a blindfold on doesn't make for an easy road.
Get clear on your purpose. For having a family. For doing your work. For showing up every day. For what you want to accomplish today. This week. This year.
It Starts With You
Before you can dare to make a difference on our planet, start to make a difference in your own home. Be the example of what you want to see in the world. Take personal responsibility for your own actions. Pick a cause that gives back - maybe it's being an advocate for the soil, maybe it's lessening your carbon footprint, and maybe it starts by simply bringing awareness to the impact you're already making.
I'm sure we'll be sharing as we learn more about ways to help with climate change, and, as we're moving forward, we're highly aware of the internal climate of our lives, and how we're weathering the storms of our emotions. They can bring such beauty and growth as we learn to cultivate them well.
Your Weekly Challenge:
Take a good look at your example in the home. What is the impact of your daily life and actions? How about your children and/or your partner?
Are you accumulating tons of waste, throwing out food and loads of trash? What can you cut back on or steward better?

Are your bodies suffering due to the diet you have, and that diet is adding to the negative impact on our climate - like the mass-production of meat and dairy in the US?
Are you reactive in life as you see what all everyone else is doing wrong vs. what you can proactively do to create more good?
Are you a "victim of circumstance", or talking with your family as you start now with the habits and actions you want to create moving forward?
Pay attention to what truly is in your control. Our planet has a lot going on right now, and it can be overwhelming. If we can start with these three P's: Personal Responsibility, Pride and Purpose, we find those little things we can do right now that make a greater impact, and we have the hope and desire to move forward due to showing up fully and recognizing this greatest purpose - cultivating a planet where we all can thrive.
Dig Deeper...
Some additional resources for you
- The Carbon Almanac
- The Carbon Almanac Free Educator's Guide
- Save Our Soil Movement: What Everyone Needs To Know
- Find out your Carbon Footprint at
- Kiss the Ground Documentary
- Learn about the Search Engine Ecosia (replace Google!)
- This country isn't just carbon neutral — it's carbon negative | Tshering Tobgay
- Your Children Are Not The Center Of The Universe! (Episode 260)
- Are You A Parent? Step Into The Spotlight (Episode 262)
- 4 Steps to Reset And Thrive (Episode 263)

Questions or comments?
Personality styles, marriage/intimacy, parenting, education, minimalism or travel - what is pressing on your mind?
Or, hop on over to the Mama Says Namaste or Unschooling Families FB groups and ask your question there!
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