In this weeks’ episode, we have lessons learned from a 10-year-old! As we celebrate our middle daughter, Ellie, turning ten, I brought her on as my guest this week to discuss 5 lessons Ellie has rocked in her lifetime, and her insights into why they are important.
In this episode and post below, Ellie Rose tells it like it is - and you really need to keep in mind!
Listen to this episode on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Play, TuneIn, YouTube, iHeartRadio or your RSS Feed *Now also on the Pandora app and!
We Have A Winner!
Congrats to Dawn and Laura for winning a free copy of “Wisdom Meets Passion” by my father and brother, Dan Miller and Jared Angaza.
Here is a fascinating little story that came in from one of Dad’s podcast listeners:
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48 Days Podcast listener Josh went from being a blacksmith to an $90K position by training himself in software development over a period of seven months spending twenty hours a week studying free online courses and tutorials. He was homeschooled all the way through high school and never set foot in a college.
A recent note from Josh continued:
“After I landed the tech job making $90K, I received many emails from people wanting to know how I did it, so I wrote a book. The book did very well, and soon after publishing it on Amazon, one of your podcast listeners reached out to me about making an audio version of the book! The audio version has done extremely well. It's amazing what can happen if you take action and go for your dreams!
Recently I was listening to your podcast and you were mentioning how online courses were even more profitable than writing a book. I decided to listen to your advice yet again, and spent the next month working nights and weekends. I created my own online course, to show others how to land a tech job quickly. Dan your advice was spot on again, my course had 10 people sign up in the first week - each paying $197!!!
I just wanted to say thank you for your real world practical advice, wisdom, and encouragement that I receive through listening to your podcasts.
Also I am not allowed to say exactly how much I make currently, suffice it to say it is more than when I first got hired! In fact my boss had to write a special letter to justify hiring me since I didn't have a degree. The position called for 7 years of experience and a 4 year Computer Science degree. It just goes to show that passion, real world skills and experience can open many unexpected doors!
I just want to encourage your listeners that your advice truly works, if they will take action, never give up, and don't get discouraged along the journey towards the dreams!
And that’s the current day approach to the workplace. If you want a traditional job, there are plenty available. But don’t see yourself only as an “employee.” You are an independent business person and you can leverage your unique talents in multiple ways.
It’s Special Guest Time!
This week, we celebrate Elizabeth Rose, who made her entrance with a bang ten years ago on October 22, 2009. Ellie has been such a light in our lives, and has definitely helped us in learning about patience and channeling our energy. So with a decade of wisdom under her belt, here are some important lessons gleaned from Ellie Rose.

#1: Make it fun!
Sometimes we have to do things that aren’t enjoyable, whether it’s paying our taxes or eating our veggies. No matter what age you are, there are some things that just aren’t as fun as others. Ellie is big on making things fun! Add in creativity and imagination and make something a game! Get lost in creating a story, play a game, ask questions, etc – if it needs to get done, add the element of FUN to make it happen!
Shift your perspective on what needs to be done, and look for that little element of FUN!
In the podcast episode, Ellie shares about creating a story around sweeping the floor. We’ve played like we’re in Pippi Longstocking and skated around the floors with wet socks to mop, had timed races for cleaning up, or opened the door to creativity on how she organizes. When we look at work as another way to channel creative energy instead of just a chore, it shifts the whole focus – don’t make work a punishment; it can be fun!
#2: Do It Together
Different personality styles are motivated in a variety of ways. For some, getting space and solitude helps them to recharge. For someone like Ellie, however, having to accomplish a task all alone can be daunting and isolating. Sometimes the best motivator is a friend who’s willing to do it with you.
For Ellie, telling her to complete something “or else” isn’t going to be a motivator. Yet coming alongside, saying “let’s do this together” or even assigning different roles where they know you are still involved can help. Sometimes it’s not even about doing the same thing as it is just having another physical presence in the room. Remember the impact you have – even if you aren’t speaking and engaging, a simple presence in the room can make a difference.
#3: Give it Your All
If you’re going to do it, do it right. Don’t just half-ass it. And yes, I’ve been guilty of telling my children that. Growing up with formerly Amish grandparents, work ethic has always been a high standard in our home. I remember taking out full hems because I didn’t get the stitch exactly straight. My grandmother – and my mother – enforced in me high quality, and we always push for best effort.
When Ellie is in, she’s IN. She loves to live with gusto, and tends to go full-throttle. And you know what? That’s a-ok! It’s okay to be loud, to be energetic, to be full-tilt-boogie.
Ellie shares about how she weighs in with others; getting to know them, asking questions, observing them to get a read on their energy. And in doing this, it helps her navigate how intense she can be without overwhelming them.
There are times to hold back – to allow others to step into the limelight, or to give people space to breathe and recharge. But, if you have the gift of entertainment, inspiration, motivation and energy, then by all means, channel that in a positive way and let it flow!
Remember this quote from Marianne Williamson:

#4: Laughter Truly IS The Best Medicine
Yes, Ellie loves to laugh, and it’s contagious! Whether she’s creating a full performance like “Hilariouso” or just sharing a giggle with a friend, she recognizes how important it is to lighten up and find something to laugh about.
Be a joy-seeker. Look for ways to laugh. When you look at centurions and people simply full of life, you’ll find a consistent correlation with their ease of laughter.
#5: Wherever You Go, Remember You Are Loved
Always, always, remember you are loved. In our world of instant access and information overload, it can be easy to get lost in the shuffle. With all the constant stimulation around, it can be easy to just throw out an attack or push someone aside, and that can make for some pretty lonely or unworthy feelings. Know that you make an impact. You are important. Your existence makes a difference in this world, and your presence is known.
Don’t assume your loved ones know you love them. Tell them. Show them. And do it daily. We all need to hear it, and in the hustle and bustle of life, it can get lost as an unspoken assumption where your actions don’t always reflect that love and support.
Give them this gift each and every day, and remember, the uniqueness in each of us strengthens all of us.

Questions or comments?
Personality styles, marriage/intimacy, parenting, education, minimalism or travel - what is pressing on your mind?
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