As visionaries, high Ds can be so driven that they miss what’s right in front of them.
This is the sixth episode in the “Be The Good, See the Good” Series.
We will dive in to how the uniqueness in each of us strengthens all of us, and learn how we can work in our strengths and recognize that in others.
“Your greatest power is in the present moment. And, for the record, your cell phone is not the present moment.” -Ashley Logsdon
Check out the Mama Says Namaste FaceBook discussion on the wife with the nail in her head here: Don’t Try to Fix Me!
High D’s are all about the end result. Bullet point emails and cutting straight to the chase are well appreciated by a high D. Remember, though, when you are looking at the end result, ask yourself, “What is your goal?” and make sure it is in a positive space.
When a high D is stressed out, look for a way to gain control – sometimes simply doing a “brain dump” and getting the thoughts out of your head and onto paper instead. Make a list – get it all out. Then start to prioritize and pick one thing.
Don’t be the “jack of all trades, master of none.” The One Thing by Gary Keller
Is your life really reflecting what you care about?
No task or thing is as important as people and relationships.
Think three times, speak only once. Ready, fire, aim may mean you can take fast action, but that’s not always beneficial.
Practice being kind rather than being right.
Remain teachable and always take ownership of your own shortcomings.
Characteristics of a high D:
- Active
- Confident
- Courageous
- Decisive
- Fast-paced
- Intense
- Needs alone time
- Strong-willed
- Talkative
- Opinionated
- Challenges authority
- Competitive
- Determined
- Goal-oriented
- Hard worker
- High energy
- Fiercely independent
- Born leader
- Natural delegator/organizer
- Not easily discouraged
- Practical
- Productive
- Solution-oriented
Their Motivations:
- Give them a challenge
- Allow them to feel in control
- Give them a goal with a reward
What Upsets Them:
- Losing control
- Feeling they don’t have a choice
- Feeling under appreciated
To Help A High D Child Grow (or an adult, for that matter!):
- Be brief and to the point
- Don’t get into a power struggle
- Encourage them to talk about their feelings and how others might feel – stress empathy
- Teach them them how to really apologize (and the importance of doing so)
- Help them to learn the benefits of being part of a team
- Remind them that being kind can be more important than being right
- Help them to unwind and relax
- Identify ways for them to verbalize their frustration
- Help them with flexibility – their agendas and expectations can be very frustrating when not met
Encouraging Phrases:
- I like how you stand up for what you believe in
- I admire your courage
- your confidence is really strong and will help you be successful
- I like how you really stick to things and get things done
- I love when you inspire others to act by pushing them with LOVE and not force!
- I’m proud that you practice what you preach – you do a great job of acting on something and not just talking about it!
“Whenever you are pointing a finger at someone else, there are three more pointing back at you” Eleanor Coleman
Parent Tips
• As the parent, make sure you establish that you are in control, but give them authority over as much as is reasonable in their lives
• “There are two lasting things we can give our children – one is roots, the other, wings” – allow for independence, even if it’s easier to do it for them
• Help your D child establish goals
• Establish a responsibility chart so your child can see her progress and be encouraged by it
• If your D child breaks a rule, responding with a clear consequence is very important. “Every action has a consequence”
• “Relationships and people are always more important than things and tasks.” – teach them to say “I’m sorry” and to be humble enough to learn from their mistakes
• I feel strongly about this for every personality style, but especially with high D children, never “tattle” on them – talking about their faults to others in their presence. It’s a betrayal of trust for them and you can quickly become the enemy. Let them know you are on their side and they can trust you to stand with them.
The blog I posted on resilience with sweet Juliet’s angry face can be found here: 10 Essential Lessons for Life: Be Resilient
For more stories and insights, check out this blog post:
*Podcast music by the awesome Renee & Jeremy who cover “Put a Little Love In Your Heart” by Jackie DeShannon. Props to both of them for this beautiful rendition that epitomizes what I want for families!