Welcome to all things parenting! Whenever we do a podcast episode and blog post (yep, we cover both written and audio for a full experience however you process best), it'll show up here when the focus is on parenting styles.
For free inspiration, and a way to get to know me better before you work with me, here are plenty of episodes to weed through. Check out the titles and summaries and start with what resonates with you at this moment. It may open up a door to a new insight you can apply today! And, if you have any questions, shoot me a note - I'd love to be a support for you.

Well, last week I talked about having a flourishing life, and the reality is, sometimes it’s a season to soak it in and really live in it. This week is the last podcast episode for a while, as we take a bit of a hiatus and focus on some big shifts in our family. I’ll Dig deeper

Are you thriving in that life you don’t want to escape? What does it mean to truly have a flourishing life? I’ve cultivated a “Flourishing Life Blueprint”, and I’m excited to share a bit more about it with you below – and give you a mini-challenge for each step along the way. Join the Flourishing Dig deeper

The “Compassionate Heart Philosophy” has become a way of life for us over the past few years, so it was time to go back to this podcast episode and do another update! So what do we mean by the compassionate heart philosophy?Love without ownership. It is a willingness to love another being without a say Dig deeper

Working from home…it’s everyone’s dream…right? Post-2020, many got to test that theory out, and wow, can it be overwhelming. It’s not rainbows and unicorns when your work is in your living quarters. Being both parent and professional at the same time is a tricky thing to navigate.Listen to this episode on iTunes, Pandora, Audible, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Dig deeper

Is your family really your priority? We spend a lot of time focusing on vision and mission statements for our businesses in dreams of accomplishing those goals where our family thrives. Yet how often do we actually stop and get intentional about what that truly means? What does it look like for your family to Dig deeper

Valentine’s Day happened this week, so of course, our topic is love. I was talking with my daughters the other day about holiday celebrations and where we stand right now. How do you really show love to your partner? There are three layers of this we’ll get to here. There was a time I had my Dig deeper

As we head into our second month of 2024 as I write this, it’s time to discuss what we do every year – set an intention. When we are focusing on our intentions, it’s amazing what “goals” then come to fruition. Every year, we’ve picked a word as a family – I list them out below. Dig deeper

It’s another day of upside down in my world as I sit here by my father’s bedside watching him transition to a place beyond this lifetime. Walking my father home has proved to be an utterly bittersweet and beautiful and raw time for our whole family…and we’re still in the midst of it, even as Dig deeper

After a bit of an unexpected hiatus, we’re back. For those of you already subscribed to my weekly newsletter, you may have heard the news. You know the news if you’re part of my father’s 48Days community.On love, life, and grieving…Listen to this episode on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, TuneIn, YouTube, iHeartRadio or your RSS Dig deeper

Are you “just a stay-at-home parent”, or otherwise struggling with seeing your value when you aren’t bringing home a paycheck? Time to pay attention. As a relationships coach and unschooling mama, I am no stranger to answering questions. And, I have to say…I love it. I love the challenge of Q&A and sharing insights and resources that Dig deeper

As a relationships coach and unschooling mama, I am no stranger to answering questions. And, I have to say…I love it. I love the challenge of Q&A and sharing insights and resources that I’ve personally found helpful. So as we hit our first of the “Two Questions” episodes (dubbed 2Q for short), we’re going to touch Dig deeper

Have you ever considered the invisible load of managing a home? Those countless tasks and the mental and emotional energy it takes to keep the household running smoothly? I’ve heard enough about the invisible, mental, and/or emotional load of running a household. There are so many variables to consider! As I was scrolling through my Instagram Dig deeper

We’re covering our take on Susan Scott’s book, “Fierce Conversations” in this episode – and how we can take her “mineral rights” steps into the home for deeper connections with your partner and your children. I want to explore how we can apply the principles from Susan Scott’s book, Fierce Conversations, not only in the workplace Dig deeper

How much trust do you have in your children? Especially as they get a bit older and are testing their independence, it can be a scary thing to “let them loose.” Well, we believe you can foster trust and respect from a young age without throwing them to the wolves. The more you’re willing to Dig deeper

What constitutes a successful day for you? Do you have a clear idea of what “success” means to you? To your family? In your life? What questions can you ask to ensure you’ve met “success” today?Our lifestyle may look very different than a lot of you who are listening to the episode below, or reading Dig deeper

We’ve been talking about how to feel supported by your partner, but how do we take it to that next level and co-parent in a way where we actually show up as a unified front? This is part two of a listener question: How do you work together to make each other feel supported, and how Dig deeper

If you’re a more holistic family like we are, you are probably well aware of the concept of functional medicine, and the mind, body, and soul approach to looking at your health. And if you’re getting my emails, you know my idea of the whole-life approach of functional education. What if you take this same Dig deeper

Our kids are learning, and natural consequences are always around us. It’s cause and effect. Every action has a consequence. I’ve drilled this into my kid’s heads since the beginning. And what is the difference between a natural consequence and punishment? It’s equipping our children with skills in their toolbox to navigate their own emotions Dig deeper

Last week I talked with Nellie Harden about the teenage years, and she brought to my attention the reality of parenthood. Did you know there are a total of 6,750 days that you have a child before they turn 18 and are considered a legal adult? Do you just flip a switch, and, after 6,750 days, Dig deeper

Fostering self-worth, confidence, and self-esteem in our kids is a given, right? How in the world do we navigate parenting teens and prepare them for adulthood, especially when they’re perfectly content to just be a kid and play around? I went deep with my notes from my conversation this week with Nellie Harden to discuss Dig deeper

Do you have rules in your home? Maybe, like me, you’d rather call them “guardrails” than actual rules. Rules are meant to be challenged, right? My friend Deb has a great acronym for RULES that will help you with some tips to put some parameters while adding a little bit more fun into your household. Dig deeper

How do you lead your family? We can talk about effective parenting, however, beyond just “getting the job done,” are you being a considerate parent who will raise considerate leaders? Our kids are watching us, and, when we add these considerations in, we empower them to also lead and impact others in a way that Dig deeper

What is a hero’s journey? How do you go from not knowing something to being awesome? This was another podcast episode entirely prompted by my ten-year-old, Juliet, and completely unscripted. She chose our focus today – stepping stones – and not jumping from A to Z without doing the hard work. She says, “I have definitely Dig deeper

As a parent, it’s a given that it can be helpful to pick your battles. Fighting with your toddler over sock colors or your teen over every food they put into their mouths not only can be a losing battle but just so not worth the time and energy. Putting that time and energy toward Dig deeper

How often has your pride stood in the way of moving forward in a relationship? Do you find yourself trying to “keep up with the Joneses” or do you get so worked up about things that it seems too big to back off of, even if you start to second-guess yourself? As a mother, wife, entrepreneur, Dig deeper

Feeling Stuck? Have you wondered what to do when you can’t afford a vacation? Do you simply just hold off and hope that “one day” you can make it happen…and that it’ll just magically materialize? I’ve shared before our “why” for taking off to Costa Rica. I asked for feedback, and over on Facebook the comments had a Dig deeper

When it comes to your most intimate relationship, are you living side-by-side, completely codependently, or somewhere in between? Have you looked at your life as a co-creation, where each of you have a part in where you are headed? As we wrap up the month of February and our focus on moving forward with our closest Dig deeper

This can pack a lot of depth into one question – “how can I be driven when I don’t know my calling?” Wow – how do we explore what our calling is? How do we distinguish drive, and what may drive us toward it? This week I unpack this in a way you may not expect – Dig deeper

There are a lot of marriage books out there, and there are several I could recommend as a great read. There is one in particular, however, I have found as my go-to for clients. It’s called The Go-Giver Marriage: A Little Story About The 5 Secrets To Lasting Love. Last year, as I looked at my Dig deeper

How do you navigate gender roles in marriage? How do you explore this with your children, on how they view themselves in this life, beyond the label they may choose for who they are or what they do? How do you view yourself? Do you know your sweet spot of contribution in your home? In the Dig deeper