The Compassionate Heart Philosophy (Episodes 112 and 342)
The “Compassionate Heart Philosophy” has become a way of life for us over the past few years, so it was time to go back to this podcast episode and do another update! So what do we mean by the compassionate heart philosophy?Love without ownership. It is a willingness to love another being without a say

3 Screen-Free Family Activities (Episode 263)
Oh the frustrations with screen time and how quickly it can take over a household! Just like we can get into a rut of “dinner and a movie” for every date night, we can get into the same ruts in our home. And I can completely relate to “Friday Family Movie Night” trickling over to

Are You A Parent? Step Into The Spotlight (Episode 262)
There are many people who don’t care for being in the spotlight. They aren’t seeking the attention of being on center stage and all eyes on them. Yet, the truth of it is, every one of you is in the spotlight. Yes, especially you parents. Your children are watching you. They are soaking in your habits,

Get Used To Disappointment (Episode 261)
As we build on our conversation from last week about our children not being the center of the universe, we’re going to discuss another biggie: disappointment. Yes, your children will be disappointed in their lives, and it’s actually a very important part of developing their emotional resilience toolkit! When we have a change of plans, so

Your Children Are Not The Center Of The Universe! (Episode 260)
Ah, children. They believe the world revolves around them. Think about it – it only makes sense, when they are just discovering the world! As our children approach everything with first-time eyes, it’s directly related to what revolves around them. We celebrate every discovery and step forward they make, and they delight and amuse us

Experts, Expectations, and Getting What You Want In Life (Episode 259)
Let’s face it – we all do it – write stories about what we expect to happen, and get mad at those “experts” that make seem look so easy. We all have expectations for how we want life to go, and it can be hard when no one else seems to have the same idea.

Letting Go Of The Agenda…and Managing Expectations (Episode 148)
Managing expectations and agendas can be hard, especially when we get stuck if they don’t go our way. What Nathan and I have learned is that, if we flip the script on what we’re truly seeking, we’re able to not only think forward, but also go with the flow. Unspoken Expectations Lead to loads of resentmentListen

Natural Consequences, Discipline…or Punishment
What does discipline look like in your home? You know that mistake of “please, grant me more patience?” If you’ve seen Evan Almighty you may remember this scene: What “opportunities” for patience do you have going on in your own home? I have to say, a huge “opportunity” is dealing with toddlers…and especially “threenagers”! Yes, they

10 Essential Lessons In Life: Natural Consequences
Natural consequences are a booger. Boy is it a lesson in patience, learning things the hard way, and so much more. But you know what? It matters. Natural consequences allow us to fully experience and comprehend what works and what doesn’t. And this is our lesson for the week. [thrive_text_block color=”purple” headline=”Lessons In Parenting”]Once again,

10 Essential Lessons for Life: Pick Your Battles
Oh, the daily battles: “I don’t WANT to wear those shoes!” “I don’t LIKE that food!” “I am NOT going to sleep!” Have you heard any of these words uttered in your house? Oh. Yeah, me, neither. Crickets. Right, because I know know know you have. If you have a child living under your roof,

We Are Home…and Ready to Roam!
Simply PresentHello again. It’s been almost two months since I blogged. Almost two months since I’ve engaged on any social media. And almost two months of being…well, simply being present. Wow, it’s been powerful. We just did something drastic. We surprised our three daughters with a trip to Costa Rica. For a month. Yes, we set the bar a bit high

What is your purpose for money?
“I’ll truly be free to live my life once…” Once what? Nine times out of ten, “once” revolves around money. That dreaded thing we often feel enslaved to. But what, truly, is the purpose for money? There is so much that money can’t buy. We talked about gaining independence in the podcast this week, and,

Are you living your life in color? There are no excuses.
No Excuses We have been RVing the States full time for over a year now. This past year, we’ve seen 40 states. We’ve banded saw-whet owls in Virginia, seen an epic shark frenzy off the coast of Plymouth Rock, and witnessed an incredible super-bloom in Joshua Tree. We are living life in full color…quite literally.

You Can’t Take It All – Cherish The One
This week we took the girls to 12 mile beach in Grand Marais, Michigan, and the beach was covered in beautiful stones. So many brilliant colors to choose from, and they had bags with them holding their picnic for the day! Immediately the girls rushed off, eager to fill the bags (now emptied of their lunch)

On Boundaries: Your Children Are Not The Center Of The Universe!
Ah, children. They believe the world revolves around them. Think about it – it only makes sense, when they are just discovering the world! It’s okay that children believe they are the center of the universe, because they are brand new to it. But eventually, that grace fades and you end up with these

The Jackpot Extra Secret To A Life Well Lived
It dawned on me with last week’s blog post that I just kinda faded off on the tenth lesson for life without really providing a wrap up. But thankfully, I remain teachable and used that “oopsy” to instead provide you one last bonus value. There might be a hint as to what that is in

10 Essential Lessons for Life – Foster Independence
It seems my blogging is incorporating more and more travels in the stories. I love how these life lessons have unfolded with perfect examples for them every week. This week I tackle the biggie – independence. Boy, when your kids stretch their independence wings, it can try on a person’s patience!Little AdventurersThis week we are

10 Essential Lessons for Life – The Attitude of Gratitude
My daughter, Clara, turns ten this week. Looking back at the past decade of motherhood, it’s incredible to see not only how much she has grown, but how much I have grown. What lessons do we aim to teach our children, and what lessons do our children teach us? 10 Essential Lessons For LifeAs I’ve

Life Isn’t Compartmentalized…But If It Were…
What part of life is sucking you in, and what part is sucking you down? I’m sure you’ve heard all about balance. But seriously, how can you balance it all when parenthood is enough to send you over the edge? Pay attention: life is not compartmentalized. I wrote last week about the burden of overwhelm,

Focus, Awe, and not waiting for “One Day” – What Is Your Word?
Ahh, the last week of 2016. What has this year been like for you? Each year, I’ve picked a word that stands out to me. In 2015, that word was awe. Last year, the focus was letting go of “one day” and experiencing life to the fullest right now in the present moment. Boy did

What If It Were Possible?
My nine-year-old has been in a traditional school setting only once. She doesn’t really know what grade she’s in. She may not know her multiplication tables or the history of US government right now. She may not have any clue what cafeteria food is. She may not have any concept of recess, but lives for

Education Overhaul #5: Have Fun!
I’ve gone over quite a few insights and rants on unschooling and my general overview of education. There is one more nugget I really feel it’s important to share with you. As a refresher, check out these posts on unschooling and life-long learning: I Am Not a Teacher (But I Unschool) Education Overhaul #1: Reframe

Education Overhaul #4: BREATHE
Ah, homeschooling. Unschooling, worldschooling, or anything else you want to call it – when you take the education of your children completely into your own hands, it can be intimidating. You want so badly to “get it right” and are overwhelmed – you want to hyperventilate or stick your head in the sand. Keep reading –

Awareness at Home
We have a new mantra in our house – “Be aware of your surroundings.” Life can pass us by so quickly, and as we grow older, we tend to lose sight of that beautiful essence of awe that we have as a child. I don’t want my children to ever, ever forget this. So on